If I Could Talk To You Today

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If I had the chance to talk with you today, my first words would be an apology. I deeply regret how I treated you and the way our relationship came to an end. I apologize for the hurtful things I said and the actions I took. At that time, I was young and in love, and I realize now that my behavior was selfish. I was convinced you were the love of my life, and that clouded my judgment. Looking back, I see that I could have handled things much better.

Despite my regrets, I don't regret falling for you. However, upon reflection, I'm not entirely sure if what I felt was genuine love. It's possible that I mistook other feelings—like admiration for your understanding and support—for love. Regardless, our relationship played a significant role in shaping who I am today, and for that, I'm grateful. I don't harbor regrets about our time together; rather, I regret that it ended.

If we were to have a conversation today, I'd also want to open up more about myself. Reflecting on our past interactions, I recognize that I often held back from sharing personal details. Perhaps it was due to a fear of vulnerability, worrying that my words could be used against me. While that fear still lingers to some extent, it's diminished over time.

I'd start by sharing some simple facts about me: my middle name is Nicole, although you may already know that. My favorite color is purple, and at my core, I'm a dedicated fangirl. I have a genuine passion for learning new things, and music serves as a source of comfort in my life.

I'd also like to share more about my life with you. Whenever you asked how my day was or how things were going, my response was always a simple "good." I never delved deeper into my experiences because our time together always felt limited, and I didn't want to burden you with worries. There were moments when I almost opened up about my home life, but it never quite happened.

If we could talk today, I'd seize the opportunity to lay everything bare. I want you to understand every facet of who I am and the experiences that have shaped me. It feels only fair, considering how much I've come to know about you.

If I had the chance for just one final encounter with you, one last conversation, I'd want you to know that I wouldn't change a thing. Any alteration would risk jeopardizing the closeness we've cultivated. You've become someone I deeply admire and respect, and altering our past might have altered the very essence of who you are to me.

No matter how hard I've tried, I can't seem to shake thoughts of you from my mind. It's baffling how you've left such a profound mark on me. It's as if you've imprinted yourself upon my very being, leaving an indelible impression that refuses to fade. You're the only person who truly understands me, the one who's consistently been there through thick and thin.

If only I could experience your touch one last time—feel the gentle press of your hand on my shoulder or the warmth of your touch barely grazing my arm. And those honey-brown eyes of yours, if I could just gaze into them, the entire world would blur into insignificance. When our eyes met, it was as if time itself paused, freezing everything around us. In those moments of connection, where our gazes locked and you truly saw me, nothing else mattered. Being with you felt like halting time itself; your gaze had the power to suspend reality.

If I could hear your voice again, even just once, it would bring a sense of reassurance like nothing else could. Your voice was always a balm to my soul—smooth and delicate, never harsh or abrasive. There was always an unmistakable tenderness in your words, a love that resonated with every syllable. Your voice had a calming effect on me, soothing away any worries or anxieties.

Above all else, there's one thing I need to express to you: gratitude. Thank you, from the depths of my heart. Thank you for every action, every word, for simply being there. I'm immensely grateful for all you've done and the sacrifices you've made on my behalf. Meeting someone as remarkable as you has been a gift, and I want you to know that I never took any of it for granted. So, for one final time, thank you.

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