How I Feel About You

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I looked at him from across the room. He is flawless from his head down to his toes. The way his brown short hair was perfectly styled up. The way his hazel eyes were focused on his task. The way his body was sculpted to perfection. The way he fidgets with stuff when he gets bored.

He was the one I lived for. The one I breathed for, and his name is Daniel. He is the only one that I trust. He makes me so happy every day.

Daniel and I are so similar. We both love cooking, and we're good at it. We both love learning new things. Teaching is what we both want to do when we grow up.

About a month ago we got into a fight. The fight lasted a whole month. It wasn't physical, but it was emotional. He ignored me for the entire month and what is funny is that the month before we were fine. But when we came back to school at the beginning of the next month he completely ignored me. He didn't even look my way or smile at me like he normally would do. He still has not explained to me why he ignored me.

Everything is fine now. We are back to normal. Even though we were fighting I never stopped loving him.

Daniel and I are not dating but I have been admiring him from afar for about one year now. He has no idea that I feel this way towards him and sadly he never will.

Every time we talk I feel like it's just us and the whole world is gone. When I see him I still get butterflies in my stomach when he is next to me. He still makes me nervous when he walks into the room. Even though it has only been a year I feel like I am in love with him.

I have a feeling he likes me too. By the way his eyes light up when he sees me. By the way he smiles at me. Even when the room is crowded his eyes still find mine. We hold our eye contact for a few seconds before one of us breaks away.

But we can't be together. He has a girlfriend that I despise. With her perfect brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. Her perfect smile and her loving heart. They shouldn't be together. I loved him first.

Sometimes I daydream about what it would be like to be in a relationship with him. One night in particular I was lying on my bed and I thought about what our first date would be like, I imagined him taking me to the park and having a small picnic. There would be a red and white checkered blanket lying on the ground by the river with little tealight candles surrounding it. There would be a light brown picnic basket with delicious food in it. Daniel and I would get to know each other more. He would get out the food and we would eat and talk casually. He would make me laugh and almost choke on my food. Then after we were done eating we would lay down on the blanket and stare up into the sky. Daniel and I would watch the clouds move and try to depict what shapes the clouds looked like. After a while of staring at the sky, I would roll over and lay my head on his chest. He would put his arm around me and hold me close. From then we would just talk about nothing and everything. All of a sudden the park sprinklers would come on and we would get drenched. But then Daniel would grab my hand and pull me to into the sprinklers. We would dance and laugh in the water and eventually fall to the ground. Daniel and I would lay there soaked in the grass and covered in mud. Then he would pull me close and say that he loved me.

I know that will never happen so for now I'll keep on looking at him from across the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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