Ink and Mesmerism

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Y'all I'm back 😭😭 Finally made another fic, and I'm going back to oneshots

Ganyu transferred to a different school, all because somebody in her previous school read her diary. Ganyu hopes no one reads her diary this time. While she was lost in her thoughts, she accidentally bumped into someone. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Repeats Ganyu as she rushes to pick up her stuff. "Hey, it's fine, let me get that for you," The girl says as she picks up Ganyu's diary. Ganyu rushes to take her diary from the girl's hand. 

"T-Thank you," Thanks Ganyu, a blush painting her face, not only because of embarrassment. "No problem! Haven't seen you here before, are you the new student?" Smiles the girl. "Yeah, I just transferred here, because..." But Ganyu refuses to continue. "Because what? Never mind, I won't force you. Mind sharing your name?" Asks the girl in curiosity. "Ganyu," Ganyu replies simply. "Ooh, Ganyu's nice! I'm Keqing," The girl introduces back.

Ganyu thinks of what to say, but she simply says, "That's... A cute name, Keqing," "Thank you! Yours is cute too. We have to get going to class, Ganyu." Compliments Keqing as she walks to the classroom. "She thinks my name is cute?" Ganyu says to herself, not realizing she said it out loud. "Well, I'm just going to follow Keqing..." And she did.

After a long while of writing notes and learning, it was finally lunch break. Ganyu sat on an empty table, thinking, "This is the perfect spot for me to write." She then took a pen from her pocket and started writing on her diary.

March 4, 2024 - Monday Morning
I moved to another school. It looked very beautiful, but not as beautiful as the girl I met, Keqing. She helped me get this shitty diary because I bumped into her... Aka the thing that happened to me in my previous school. I was scared she would read it, but it turns out she isn't like my other classmates, and she has some respect for privacy. Keqing also said my name is cute, I don't know why, but she said that. I was mesmerized, her beautiful lavender hair, and her vibrant magenta eyes... I can't get her off my mind. She's just so gorgeous, nobody can change my mind.

But Ganyu was so busy writing, that she didn't notice Keqing was sitting beside her and watching her write. Ganyu immediately closed her diary. "Keqing, ahaha..! You saw nothing, right?" She says in embarrassment. "It's fine, I only caught the first parts. I also have something private, but I'll let you see." Responds Keqing, as she takes a sketchbook from her bag. "I'm an artist," "That's so cool, Keqing! Are you going to draw something?" Asks Ganyu.

To her surprise, Keqing replies with, "Yes, you." "Huh? You'll draw me?" Ganyu asks again, this time in confusion. "Yeah, you look so pretty, and I want to draw you." Says Keqing, as she takes a pencil and starts sketching. Ganyu watches in amaze of Keqing's skills. "Do you want to try drawing?" Keqing asks, extending her hand to give her pencil. "No thanks, I'm not as talented as you..." Says Ganyu, leaving Keqing in doubt. "I'm not convinced. Here, give it a try!"

Ganyu started drawing a flower, leaving her embarrassed and leaving the table without saying anything. "Ganyu? Ganyu!" Shouts Keqing, but she doesn't force Ganyu to come back and she continues drawing.

"Archons, that was so embarrassing... I need a free spot to write my diary." Thinks Ganyu, as she looks around. "School didn't start yet, so I'll write freely in this corner here." But when she checked her backpack, her diary wasn't there. "Fuck, did I leave it in the cafeteria?"

Meanwhile, Keqing finished drawing Ganyu, and she looks at the table. "Hm, Ganyu left her book here, which I presume is her diary." She says to herself. "Should I go through it? No, that will be disrespect. Ugh, but I'm so curious! I'll just read one page." And she opens the diary to a specific page, the page Ganyu just wrote. After Keqing read it, she took Ganyu's diary and started finding Ganyu.

Ink and Mesmerism -//- GanqingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora