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Destiny is never given to somebody on purpose. That's what they told me before I left, as if that made me feel any better. It really didn't. Destiny is still destiny whether you like it or not; I didn't like it.

Why wouldn't my destiny be to save a town from plundering thieves? Or to end world hunger? Or to cure an uncurable disease? It's not like killing people is a fun destiny. I would much rather take some other destiny than the one I'm stuck with. 

But do I have a choice? Apparently now. It seems I don't get to decide anything in my life. It's all planned out for me. Some would ask, "Is that really so bad?" which would get a slap from me in response. Yes, it's really so bad. To have no control makes everything seem hopeless. To have no other choice means there is no freedom. 

You must be wondering what destiny I'm going on about.  You're not? Okay, well, that saves me a lot of time. 

I'm kidding. I'll tell you... if you want. Which I'm sure you don't. But I'll tell you anyway since I'm a nice person. Sometimes. But if I told you, you wouldn't like me anymore. You'd call me names. You'd think I was a horrible person. You'd think I don't deserve to live.

I have to remind you: I didn't choose this destiny. One's destiny is never given on purpose, so technically everyone is an accident. Everything is an accident that is designed millennia in advance. It makes a lot of sense, huh?

Okay... I'll go ahead and spit it out, but promise not to freak out. Oh... look at that. I've run out of room to write. I guess you'll never know.

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