Court of Vengeance

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I'd always been instructed to stand out only when it was absolutely necessary, but as I stood among the chosen, back straight as an edge and hands clasped behind me, I wondered whether I should feel bad about it. There were a total of twenty of us. We'd all been chosen for a reason—by chance. Having grown up on the streets as an orphan, I was glad to be given an opportunity to change my life, although I still wasn't sure if what was about to happen would be better or worse than before. It all depended on the choice I made.

I focused on the regal figure pacing in front of me, trying to keep my white bangs out of my face. She was dressed entirely in black, with red splatters thrown onto her dress here and there. I couldn't tell if it was blood or not, but I wouldn't bet against it, knowing the woman in front of me.

Among those chosen, we were arranged in two rows facing each other. Queen Vengencia, her long black hair flowing behind her as she paced, came to a halt in front of each individual, her steely eyes staring them down. This was the first time I'd seen her face to face. The most I knew about her was that she was cruel, ruthless, and obsessed with vengeance to the point of murdering her own husband for merely gazing at another woman. Due to the fact that she wore a black veil over her face, the only individuals who have ever seen her face were members of her court.

As of today, she wasn't wearing the veil. This could appear to be a positive sign to the untrained eye, but I knew it wasn't. We had all been picked to be a part of the court, but we had to first pass a test. If Queen Vengencia only showed her face to members of the court, and one of the chosen failed the test, the failures would only have one outcome.

I waited stiffly, not letting my eyes linger on anyone or thing for too long. I could see Princess Raven among the guards. She stood delicately, hands glued to her side and eyes downcast. Her midnight hair fell over her face, covering the somber expression she wore. Most people marveled over her beauty, especially her soft, blue eyes. Seeing her in person, I could understand the appeal.

"Do you take interest in my daughter?" a cold voice purred. I quickly snapped to attention, cursing myself for not being more self-controllable. Don't answer, I told myself. No eye contact. I lowered my sight to her chin with a small shake of my head.

"What province are you from?" the Queen asked, eyes looking me up and down.

"Fire, Your Highness," I responded, not letting my voice waver. Every person was from a certain province, one for each element they controlled. It was said Queen Vengencia could control all the elements, but most people only witnessed her using fire. In reaction to my response, she nodded slightly, eyes lingering on my own. She pursed her lips before moving on to the next person.

I could feel the stares on me as I let out a long exhale. That was the first time Queen Vengencia had spoken to any of the selected. I was sure that I was close to ending up in a cell in the dungeons... or worse. Queen Vengencia was known to have a temper. The fact that she even said a word to me rattled my bones and left me silently shaken. She didn't say anything else to the rest of us, as was expected. She simply walked along the rows, scrutinizing each of us individually.

It wasn't until she had finished when the true nightmare began. When she had gotten to the last person, she turned on her heel and briskly walked back up the rows. She flicked her hand at certain people, not even sparing them a glance, and before I could even blink they were grabbed by guards and roughly forced to their knees. Small cries of anguish left the lips of those who were grabbed, echoing throughout the chamber. With baited breath, I waited for her to flick towards me, but she never did.

About ten out of the twenty had been seized, hands bound behind their backs as the Queen looked at them with a displeased frown. She let out a few tsks before turning to those who remained standing.

"I have picked out the weak among you. If you wish to pass this test and enter into my court, you must cut off the weakness. If you don't have the guts, then you can join them," she smirked, gesturing to those who were on the ground. My stomach instantly curled up, the weight of what was being asked gnawing at me. I had to kill one of these people.

Now that we'd been split in half, it all made sense. As I looked at people who had been chosen as weak, my breath caught in my throat. One of them, a small-looking girl with wide, round eyes, was staring me down. Her eyes were filled with fear, as if she was pleading for my help. 

Suddenly, a voice pierced the silence. "Your Highness, I apologize, but there is a matter at hand that you must see to." I turned to look at who had spoken. He looked old, wrinkles hugging his eyes and gray hair combed back neatly.

"I'm in the middle of something George, and if you want to keep your head, then you'd better go and stick yourself in the middle of something else," Queen Vengeancia snapped in response, shooting him a glare that could kill. He looked unfazed, simply looking around the room at the situation at hand. He made eye contact with me for a brief second before muttering, "choose wisely."

He quickly left the moment the words escaped his lips. Those words told me exactly what choice I needed to make. As if on cue, Queen Vengencia placed a knife on a table in the chamber. It was encrusted with rubies on the hilt and the blade was sharper than a scalpel, point gleaming in anticipation.

My feet moved with a mind of their own. Silent gasps were let out as heads turned, staring as my hands wrapped around the knife. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Queen Vengencia breaking into a pleased smile. In contrast, Princess Raven had a sickly look on her face, as if she was barely able to watch what was about to occur. Before I could even begin to approach someone, Princess Raven stepped forward, turning sharply towards her mother.

"Mother, please, stop this! Can't they take another test? Taking a human life– I can't stand it anymore. I can't sit by and watch as you discard someone's life like a toy!" she gasped, eyes wide and pleading. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. In the blink of an eye, the Queen waved her hand, signaling for a few guards to grab her and take her away. Raven visibly deflated, not even fighting the guards as they escorted her out of the chamber.

"What's your name?" Queen Vengencia asked me, appraising me like a jewel.

"Malia, Your Highness," I responded strongly, gripping the knife tighter in my hand. "And yours?" she asked the girl with the big eyes, turning on her heel and angling her head to look down at her.

"L-Lilac," she choked in response, body visibly shaking from fear. Queen Vengencia turned back to me, eyes shining with murderous intent.

"Well?" she asked me, lips curving into a devious smile. "What are you waiting for?" I turned towards Lilac, my mind made up. Two choices stood before me, but I already knew which one I would choose. 

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