Sick Whiskers

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The day started off shitty like usual for Angel Dust, another long day of shooting at the studio dealing with Valentino's bullshit. Though Angel was in pain throughout the day, he always knew that a certain cat demon would be waiting for him to make sure he got home okay. They had gotten into this routine since Husk had pulled Angel out of the bar, back when he was self destructing. Now, he was obviously glad that the other demon had pulled him out of there, considering what it had led to.

Angel had been dating Husk officially for weeks now. He couldn't be happier with this. He really couldn't ever believe someone as wonderful as Husk could ever be interested in Angel Dust, porn star and fake bitch. Not that he had much choice most of the time about that, but now, with Husk, he would never be fake again. He could never forget their first time sleeping together. Not sexually, just innocent sleep and cuddles. That was also the night of their first kiss. He always had appreciated how much Husk let him set the pace. Husk knew about his situation at the studio and with his boss to not know how shitty Angel had been treated. Also, considering what Angel had told him about his life life before he died, Husk hated that Angel had been treated like shit practically by everyone for so long.

Angel was walking home to the hotel, trying not to limp from the multiple hours of bdsm scenes he'd had to film over and over until Valentino was happy. He heard the usual catcalls and people yelling his name. Thankfully, he only got groped once because some dickhead managed to corner him in the wall of a building. Angel growled angrily at the man. He was so over people thinking he was just looking for random assholes to fuck. Not that he hadn't done that way before Husk. Now, he didn't need the money and he didn't want to because he really genuinely cared about the cat demon. He tried not to blush at just that thought. "Fuck off or I'll fuck you up and not in the fun kind."

Surprisingly the asshole grumbled and walked off. Angel was glad he was able to hide his limp from that fucker otherwise who knows what he might have done. Angel winced in pain. He was nearing the hotel, safety, at last. His boyfriend was always waiting at the bar. When Angel came inside the door with an over dramatic sigh. He smirked widely at his boyfriend, before noticing immediately that something was definitely wrong. He watched the other for a minute before walking closer and saying, "Heya, whiskers."

"Hey, Le-" Husk tried to say before sneezing very aggressively. Then, he sniffled. Angel may have been worried about his boyfriend, but that sneeze was just ridiculously adorable. Angel had to really try not to giggle in admiration. Instead, he walked closer to Husk and touched his head softly.

"Are you... sick?" He wasn't even sure if it was possible to be sick in hell but who even knew anymore. He kissed his forehead, trying to see if he could still tell from the way he used to during his life life with his siblings. He used to take care of them more than their parents. Their dad was a real jackass. Angel thought his boyfriend was definitely sick. "Well, you are hot in all of the ways now, Huskers. I think you have a fever and you are define sick. How about we get you to bed?"

While Angel gently grabbed his arm, trying to help him to bed, he had certainly become much more concerned with his boyfriend than his damn limp. He tried not to let it be too obvious to the other that he was in pain, but damn. Unfortunately, the cat demon knew him as well as he knew him. He knew he was hiding the pain. He didn't think it was a good idea to leave Angel alone in pain. "I'm fine. It's Hell. There's no sickness, just acid rain. Don't worry about me. I feel just fine. You on the other hand look like you're about to fall over in pain so maybe I should get you to bed, Angel."

That was the moment when Charlie and Vaggie both walked over. Though Husk and Angel hadn't gone public with their relationship, it was hard to hide it from people who you lived with and interacted with daily. Vaggie looked from Charlie to Angel and then Husk. Charlie nodded at Vaggie. The angel sighed dramatically at the two guys in the room. "Angel. Husk. I don't care how in love you guys are, but I do care about both of you being alive and well and healthy, so would you idiots both just go to bed. No more arguing about who needs to rest. Both. of. You. Bed. Now."

Vaggie wasn't asking and they all knew that. Husk looked between the couple in front of him , blushing slightly from Vaggie's comment about the love thing. They actually hadn't said that yet. They had been enjoying things and each other, taking things slowly, mostly for Angel. Not that Husk had any recent experience with love or romance or even physical stuff, they were taking things slowly. Angel might be forever more experienced with the sex and kissing, but he had been a romantic since he was alive and he hadn't felt anything romantic about anyone since life. Angel also tried to not blush like a tomato at Vaggie. He composed himself and looked at Husk, ready to happily give into a night in bed with Husk, even if he was sick.

"I can't just leave the bar. Alastor might kill me," Husk said, trying not to let his deep voice crack like he would if it were just his boyfriend there. Angel was the only one who knew how terrified Husk was of Alastor.

"We have that covered! Don't worry about anything right now except yourselves. We've got this, okay?" Charlie said with a tiny smile. It's not like it hadn't been obvious to anyone with eyes or ears to guess easily that Angel and Husk had liked each other since Vaaggie had sent the cat demon after the pornstar. Vaggie had acted clueless at the time, but after they sent Husk to help the spider demon, Vaggie and Charlie had been talking about how cute the two were and then they came home laughing and smiling genuinely and Charlie and Vaggie and nodded discreetly.
Now, Husk still was afraid of Alastor finding out, but he also reality didn't feel good and he really wanted to spend time alone with his boyfriend.

"Let's go?" Angel asked, eyeing his boyfriend. Husk nodded and smiled softly at the other. Then, he grinned and literally grabbed the other and carried him bridal style, a little awkwardly only because of their height difference. Angel and Husk had had a lot of discussions about boundaries and so he was sure Angel wouldn't mind being carried, especially considering his limp he had probably been hiding since he left the studio. Husk tried not to think too much about the bull shit he knew Angel's boss had done to the spider. Once Husk pretty easily carried his partner to his room, where Fat Nuggets laid, waiting for his dad to come back. He started making sounds when the two came through the door. Husk gently laid Angel on the bed. Then, Angel grabbed his hand, squeezing gently. "Do ya want to stay? If not, it's okay. I just thought..."

"I would love to, Legs," the cat responded when Angel didn't finish his thought. They had only shared a bed a couple of times, but it was always amazing spending time together. He climbed on the side beside the spider. Angel looked at Husk like he was the holder of everything good in the world. Angel reached his hand out to Husk.

"Is this okay?" he asked and the cat couldn't help but smile softly.

"Yeah. It's more than okay," he responded, grabbing the other's hand. They sat like that for a while, just chatting and holding hands. It eventually became full on cuddling by the end. Angel had never felt so safe as he aways did with Husk. He loved this man. Wait, what? He might, but he wasn't going to say it tonight or probably for a while. They were taking things slowly and he couldn't be more happy. He had always secretly been a romantic type. He just eyed the other with a small smile and knew that no matter what happened, they would deal with it. Together.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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