Chapter X : Pain...

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Trixie wakes up, the adrenaline finally having run out, as she is overwelled by all the pain hitting her like a bullet train. She tries to open her eye, getting only as far as her right eye just enough for her to barely see. Her face too swollen to open both eyes fully. Her fur sticking together as the blood and tears dry. She cries out for Maxwell, reaching her arm out towards the door as she crawls. Her voice only a mere whisper. She coughs, nearly choking on her own blood and spit. Trixie crawls, leaving a trail behind her. Her whole body ached, her right arm broken and contorted. Multiple more wounds across the rest of her body made it painful to move, broken bones and bruised areas pulsing with pain every inch. Maxwell runs through the door, seeing Trixie's body slowly making its way to the door. He runs over to her, kneeling down and grabbing her, holding her closely. "Help." She cries, her voice raspy and weak.

"I'm here, I'm here. He can't hurt you. I won't let him. I've got you now." Maxwell affirms. He looks at her, tears in his eyes, hoping that at least this time he can save someone. "Please.... end it...." she cries, her voice deteriorating with every word. "Make the...pain stop....please.... everything...." she struggles to breathe, barely getting the last word out before coughing up blood. Maxwell picks her up, carrying her back to the library looking behind him before he walks out with Trixie in his arms. The large room stained in blood. The mans armor chunks still lay broken on the floor. He regrets that he got away, that he escaped. "I'll make him pay, for both you, and for Millie. "I'm... sorry...." she cries, her voice nearly gone. "" Trixie tries to say, before blacking out.

She wakes up laying on her back. Everything is dark. She tries to look around for some form of light, crying out to the darkness for help. "You fought well my child, now rest. You have many more battles ahead of you. Do what you can to save the people you care about." Says delicate voice from the darkness. Trixie frantically looks around for the source of the voice, recognizing it as her mothers. "I'm proud of you, my child..." her mother says, as her voice fades away. Trixie closes her eyes, hoping that when she opens them, that the darkness will be gone, and that there will be some form of light and that her mother will be right there. 

She opens her right eye, her body still puffy and swollen, her head spinning as if she had been flung in circles. She looks around, noticing where she is.. she is laying on a load of soft blankets piled one on top of the other. She was right in front of the fireplace, it sitting on providing warmth to her cold body. She starts crying,  not seeing her mother, catching the attention of Maxwell and Lilith. They come over to make sure she is alright, that he bandages that Lilith had wrapped her in haven't bled through. Trixie's arm was wrapped up, bandaged in a cast. She couldn't feel her arm, nor could she move her fingers. She tried to speak, unable to as her face was swollen and numb and her tongue twice the normal size. All she could do was make gargled noises which hurt her throat. 

Tears roll down her face as she couldn't speak, trying to ask them not to go, not to leave her. Her attempts seemingly futile as they walk out the room. They walk into Maxwells office, shutting the door behind them. Trixie could hear faint talking, but without the ability to move closer to hear, she has no clue on what's being said. Maxwell comes out of the office with a wheelchair, one of his planets medical devices, as he explained to Trixie while setting her in it. "I'll show you more things from my planet if you like, not just from books, but in person." Maxwell smiles as he offers Trixie the opportunity to visit his planet. "We will go tomorrow, as soon as the suns up!" He exclaims.

Trixie found it hard to fall asleep, sitting in the wheelchair was uncomfortable for sleeping. Her whole body hurt, and it felt like every movement was concrete grinding upon itself. The swelling of her face had gone down just enough for her to see out of both eyes, though her face still hurt as it did when it had been mauled by the savage brute of an elf. Trixie was still in disbelief that Maxwells problems had become hers as soon as she stepped onto the planet. Damn racist elves she thought to herself. 

Trixie had finally felt herself falling asleep, drifting in a blackened void, seeing her family once more, her mothers voice saying that they are gone and that her new family, or what she makes of the new people she had met, are hers now. She didn't want to believe it, as she cried out for them not to go. She wanted them to stay, she wanted to have everyone there. Trixie reached out towards her mother as she fades away, trying to run to her, everything hurting as she pushed herself to move. She heard Maxwells voice, unable to make out what he is saying. She tasted something metallic, felling light headed, and woozy. Trixie closes her eyes only to open them back in the library. She was on the floor, laying on her broken arm with her whole body. The pain of her arm, coupled with the metallic taste made her panic. She frantically looked around for help, realizing Maxwell was there talking to her. She couldn't hear what he was saying, but just hearing his voice calmed her down a little. She felt weak, almost as if all her energy was drained, sapped from her body as she lay on the floor upon her broken arm. Maxwell sat her back in the chair, checking her broken arm to make sure no more damage had been done. Thankfully, her arm was just fine. Maxwell went back to sleep, and Trixie soon after.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 01 ⏰

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