Chapter two

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Deep breaths.


And out.


And out.

See, not so hard.

Nic spots her blind date, wearing exactly what he had described. Beige dress pants with black suspenders and a white and blue checkered button-up, done up to the very top. 

No. Do NOT walk out before even talking to the guy. 


He looks up from his phone and spots her, slowly standing up and walking over to the other side of the table to pull her chair out. "Hi, I'm Jackson." He smiles warmly and she walks over to the table, shaking the nerves out of her hands. "Thanks. Nicole." She returns the smile, sitting down and pushing herself in as he sits opposite her. 

"I ordered us both a chocolate milkshake each, I hope that's okay?" He asks nervously, "I would have ordered a coffee but you don't really want a coffee at 12.30 in the afternoon, do you?" He chuckles. Nic smiles. "Thats perfect. Thank you." He seemed sweet. Awkward, but sweet. 

"How long have I kept you waiting?" She asks, not really interested. Just wanted to know approximately when the milkshakes would get there and they can order food. "Not long, don't worry." He checks his watch, "Maybe 10 minutes max?" He guesses, just as a waiter comes out with their drinks. 

"Hi there, I'm Brady and I'll be serving you two this afternoon." Brady, who may be just the finest waiter to walk the Earth, introduces himself. He makes eye contact with the both of them, lingering a little longer on Nicole. "Have we decided what we're eating today, or do you two need a bit longer?" He asks, smiling at her, then Jackson. 

"I think we'll have a bit more time if that's okay?" Jackson says, glancing at Nicole, a silent question asking if she agreed. Once she nodded, he turned back to the waiter. "Yes, a few more minutes please." Nicole adds on, Brady nodding and wandering off. 

Nic notices Jackson studying the menu so hard anyone would think there was naked women on it. "I think I'll just have some hot chips. Here." He smiles, handing her the clipboard with paper on it. "OK, I'll probably get the avo toast." She says, Jackson looking for the waiter. Not like there was a lot of options to choose from, but anyways. Once he spots him, he gives him a look that, hopefully, tells him they're ready to order.

Brady arrives at their table, "ready to order?" They nod their head, and Jackson looks at Nic expectantly, so she takes that as a cue to go first. "I'll just have the avocado toast please." Brady scribbles it down and turns to Jackson. "And I'll just have the hot chips." He smiles, handing him the menu. "Thank you." Brady smiles and glances at Nic. "Your order will be out soon." He gives a quick smirk to Nic before wandering off to serve an old couple.

"What school do you go to?" Jackson asks, making conservation.

"Ascend Prep School. You?"

"Miles Ahead Highschool." Nicole raises her eyebrows. Only smart kids went there. Like, really really smart kids. God damn. "That's cool, are you smart?" She blurts out unintentionally. "Shit. Sorry. I didn't mean to say that." 

Jackson chuckles. "Thats alright. I guess so. I mean, compared to.. other kids.. I am." He glances at her pointedly. A slight pause before 'other kids', as if he were trying to find the right words to describe someone exactly like her. The fuck? He didn't even know her. Alright then, Mr. Uppity. 

"Do you do any sports or.. any activities?" She asks, giving him the same look he gave her. Judging by the flabbyness of his build, she knew the answer to that. Don't get me wrong, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way people are built. At all. But it was the first thing that came out of her mouth, so she just went with it. 

"No, I don't. I prefer to put my focus on things that can actually get me somewhere in life, unlike some people who play football throughout high school and the only place it leads to is a hot girl's bedroom. I'd to have a good future." He says, clearly thinking he could teach her a lesson.

"Here are your meals. Enjoy." The waiter appears out of nowhere, as if he were waiting until the right moment to interrupt. Good thing for it, too, because this guy was about to cop one to the nose if he didn't shut his assface up already. As Brady puts down the plates, he gives Nic a knowing look before waddling off again. 


"So? How did it go?" Annabel grins as she watches Nic get back in her car. "He was really sweet at the beginning. No fashion sense to save his life, he even got out of his seat to get mine for me." Nic smiles, buckling herself into the seat. "Then he became a right prick." She groans as Annabel speeds off towards Nic's place.

"That's a shame."

"Yeah, but you know what softened the blow, was our waiter. Oh. My. God." Nic grins, tapping her friend's shoulder excitedly. "He may just be the finest man to walk the Earth." Annabel laughs, shrugging her friend's hand off her shoulder so she can change gears.

"Thanks for picking me up. I could have gotten an Uber." Nic smiles, fixing her makeup in the mirror, applying some more lip gloss. "In this economy? No freakin' way." Annabel grins, her sort of cooper-orange coloured hair shining in the sunlight. "Have you seen the price of a trip this long? Whew!"

Nic chuckles as her friend pulls up outside her house. "See you tomorrow." She smiles as she exits, watching Annabel give her a cutesy finger-wave before speeding off. 


I hope this chapter was a little better! What do we think of Brady and Jackson? 

P.S. Please remember to vote if you're enjoying the story so far!

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