Chapter Three

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Nicole's first class of the day was Science. Wonderful. She stumbles into class late.

 "Sorry." She mumbles, Ms. Parkinson giving her a short glare before returning to scribbling random shit on the whiteboard. Nic takes a seat next to Poppy, quickly glancing at her page full of notes. "Do I need to write all of that down?" She asks, flabbergasted. 


Nic attempts to lean over to see the notes, but Poppy side-eyes her and discreetly covers her work with her elbow, forcing her to try and make out the teacher's writing, which was extremely difficult considering she was standing right in front of it. 

She jabs Poppy in the forearm with the blunt end of her pen, receiving a pair of daggering eyes from the nerd sitting next to her. "Sorry. My fingers slipped." She smiles sickeningly sweetly, rolling her eyes as the girl looks back to her work. 

Soon enough, the bell rings and Nic runs off to break, taking a seat at her and her friends' table and taking out a roll with a toothpick in it. 

"GUESS. WHAT." Annabel grins, thudding down right next to her, accidentally bumping into her just as she takes the toothpick out, resulting in her roll unravelling and half of it falling onto the concrete ground. "Shit, sorry. Five second rule." The chaotic girl shrugs, picking it all up and shoving it back into Nic's hands."

"Anyways. Guess what?" Annabel says, barely breathing between breaths. "Chris asked me out."

"But I thought you were going for James?"

"I am."

"So why is Chris asking you out so exciting compared to other guys that ask you out on a daily basis?"

"Because, Nicole, Chris is James' wingman. Best buds. I can use Chris to make James jealous, then once I'm satisfied and James can barely keep his eyes and hands off me, you can seduce Chris and make him cheat on me, with you. Then I have an excuse to break up with him and get with James, without looking bad." Annabel explains, rolling her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Riiiight." Nic says in a sarcastic tone, chewing on her roll. "And, which one is Chris again?" 

"Brown-black hair. Good mullet. Green eyes. Boring face, kinda hot body, but not oh-my-god-look-at-that-guy-he's-to-die-for  kinda hot. Tan. Bit of an asshole." 

"Ohhhh! Still no idea." Nic shrugs, finishing off her roll as Annabel scans the crowd of schoolkids around them. "There!" Annabel yells, pointing at a group of guys that all basically look the same except for their hair colour. "In the middle, talking to James. See?" Nic scans the group. "Oh yes, him. Really, an asshole? He was nice to me." She shrugs, losing sight of him and turning back to Annabel. "Perfect, so you'll go with my plan? Please, please please please?" Her friend pleads, turning on her puppy dog eyes. 

"Is this how you imagine James begging you to date him?" Nic grins, laughing. "Yes. Ohmygod, does that mean you're in?" 

"I'm in."


Sorry, another super super short chapter!! I'm sick as a dog at the moment so I'm not really feeling it but I'm trying. What are we thinking of  Annabel's plan??

Once again please remember to vote if you're enjoying!! 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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