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(We see our universe's Dr. Strange in the same dream sequence with America Chavez in this universe played by Isabela Merced. Strange wakes up and goes to Christine's wedding and the rest plays out the same)

(As for Wanda, her power is how Shuma Gorath came to be in this area in the first place so Strange, Wong and Chavez have to seek her out herself where she is similarly to WandaVision, dreamwalking to find her kids and we get that scene)

(They start by using the Darkhold to find out about Shuma-Gorath. They discover a section about him that talks about a cult dedicated to him in Romania and some are the cult members are killed by Mordo)

(Mordo is after Wanda due to being the most powerful Avenger. They explained to Mordo everything and they team up)

Dr. Stephen Strange: Into the Multiverse Where stories live. Discover now