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(We fund out that Christine is running away from Dormammu and made her way to be taught magic under the tutelage of Ancient One but he found out she was a devotee of Gorath so he had her banished to the Dark Dimension but she's now out)

(Inside the void, Strange viciously tears through the magical defenses, entering Shuma-Gorath’s pocket dimension. The ancient demon appears to him in the form of Tony Stark and Peter Parker to lure and torment him and make Strange break down in his guilt)

(However, Strange calms down and realizes that he tried his best to save his universe from Thanos, even though Tony died and that Peter wanted his identity erased even at the cost of his personal life being ruined, so Parker knew the cost and he took it and that this is just a visage taken by Gorath. He attacks and holds his own, but is overwhelmed by the true power that Gorath possesses in his own dimension)

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