7. Family

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Hoseok was not leaving me, not for a moment. Coming along, clinging to me, nagging me continuously asking about what's going on between me and our boss. He is really something else. He is very interested in Seokjin's life and I don't know why...

We had lunch. Ada was not eating, just crying and then I found out why.

His boyfriend got one day of vacation from Army service and she wanted to take leave that day. And Seokjin already told her to work on that day. She couldn't ask for a day off.

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted to leave, Ada?"

"You would never give me leave, as this work is important, Sir" She replied sniffing.

"Yes it is important but I also can do that. You don't worry. You take leave. I will make the presentation" I assured.

"But Sir, Boss told me to do that. He will not listen. He was already mad because of the incomplete work" She started crying again.

"I told you not to worry, I can manage him" I winked at her.

She smiled with teary eyes and Hoseok again started teasing me.

I was ready to go to meet Seokjin. He had told me to come after lunch. He must be waiting. I was already late because of Aida's case and he wanted to talk with me about the board meeting.

I entered the cabin and he slid his laptop aside as soon as he saw me coming.

This is what he always does whenever he sees me and every time it makes my heart jump like a kid.

"So?, you really don't want me to call you V, huh," He asked genuinely while I was sitting in front of his desk.

"I would like it more if you call me by your name", I answered and it surprised me. It was intense.

His cheek went tinted in pink. He avoided looking into my eyes.


I made him blush.

My eyes couldn't get off him. He is so cute. He didn't know how to respond so he took the receiver in his hand and dialed the number.

He cleared his throat before talking, "Bring one cup of Tea and coffee... black...... yes the one Seokjin likes without milk and less sugar"

I smiled looking down.

"So, how's your days going being me" He broke the silence between us.

"Going good" I mumbled, "there is one thing we need to discuss" I came to the point.

"Yes, please tell me" He put his elbows on the table leaning forward to listen to me intently.

"Aida, she wants to take a leave, she wants to spend time with her boyfriend. They only have one day"

"What rubbish, is this a reason for the day off?" He picked up the receiver to dial, probably her.

"Seokjin, please," I said in a heavy voice.

He looked at me and the phone had been picked up at the other end

"Hello, Aida" He was still staring at me, "You can have a day off tomorrow" I smiled looking at him and so did he, "Whatever you have prepared, share with me, I will check the rest" he continued.

I smiled internally becoming giddy to know what they would say when I took a step out of this room, especially Hoseok, he would tease me for sure.

Ohh.. Hoseok ... It reminded me about him "Can I ask you one thing?" I looked up.

He just blinks slightly to say go ahead.

"Why is Hoseok Hyung is so interested in you?"

He raised his brows tilting his head, "Hyung?"

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