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I sit in front of the full length mirror attached to my closet door. this is my fourth outfit and I think I have finally found the right one. I spin in my combat boots starting to second guess myself again. biting my lip I turn to the side. I push myself up on my toes and lift my hip closest to the mirror higher then the other to see how the skirt falls. doing the same to the other side I decide it's all in my head and I look fine.

Time to start my hair. my freshly dyed hair is a little hard to work with but I'll make do. pulling apart the tangled stands and sectioning off my hair into a pony tail. my plan is to make a bow made out of hair. I think it looks adorable and I usually only get to wear my hair like this on weekends when I'm cleaning or reading in my cot. yep cot not bed miss Merry took the bed away when she caught me jumping on it last week.

Makeup has always been my weak point but I know enough to get ready for a date. I rummage thought my limited make up finding liquid eye liner and mascara. carefully I put on semi-winged top liner and brush my clumped lashes into soft looking feathers. Breathing out in relief when I pull away and see two perfectly even lines. well that's a weight lifted of my imagined shoulders.

Once again I find myself I front of my mirror scrutinizing every lose end. I stare at my new hair color I do kind of miss my old color for the simple reason of the nick name that came along with it. Bronx used to call me Cotten candy now my name is plum. how cute does plum sound but what can you do this is Bronx we're talk about. speaking of Bronx I sent him grocery shopping, oh man I hope I don't have to bail him out after the date. date, there's that word and again and here come the butterfly's.

Tapping at my window send an angry flock of blue jays to shake up my nerves. though all the disagreement from my emotionally distort side I make it over to the window. sense I'm at miss Marry's for one more week at lest my new front door is my window. when I'm securely positioned out of the line of sight of the other side if the curtain I breathe out one more time. my chest feels as if it will fall in but I force an excited grin on my face and grab the glass. Pulling little by little on the clear surface I rain my nerves in to a point were throwing the glass up doesn't make me feel sick. so I do.

Taking in Tyler's appearance is almost too much. he's dressed in black jeans, a foo fighters shirt that has everlong printed at the top, and to top it all off he's wearing the carheart I got him for Christmas. once noticing my arrival he puts his arms out and I grab his shoulders. gently he pulls me out and sets me down.
"You know you smile suites your face great," i say then I about face palm when I recite the words in My head. "I didn't mean it like that, your face looks good all the time." he chuckles and kiss my ear
"I know what you meant and mine fails in comparison to yours," he whispers making my heart melt. pulling away he takes my hand and leads my to the beat up pick up truck.

Opening the door for me I blush when he reaches a crossed me and buckles me. normally I would have been upset about him doing things for me but now I could care less and I kind of liked it.

Hearing him get into the drivers seat I snap my head to meet his gaze.
"Were are we going tonight," I ask. and he only replies with a hint.
"It's big and white but plays all colors." I tilt my head confused and let it sink in.

"Hey, Tyler can I ask you a question," I ask trying to break the ice.
"Anything," he so kindly says.
"Um, why do you street fight?" I question.
"Because when I was younger it was what my family did. then when I was old enough to decide my family need the money so I just kept going," he answers. I try to stare Into his eyes to find any emotion but none was found. I grab his hand and hold it tight to which he doesn't object.
I turn the radio up to try to drown out the silence. as the music floats around the car I wait Tyler's reaction. slowly I get a small mumble from him indicating that he's not day dreaming some were. I smile and start to sing.
"I hate every thing about you why do I love you
You hate every thing about me.."

Once I complete the song and look at Tyler for his counteract I see the smallest amoutnt of movement in his lips. taking my hand closest to the window and poking his side to get his attention. he jolts a upward but smile.
"We are almost there time for another clue
What's fast and loud but sad when done?" He comments. I rack my brain for anything that would fit to bill. coming up with nothing sulk back in my chair and huff.

"We are here," an excited Tyler yells. rushing out of the car he comes to my side and opens the door with squeak.

When I step out of the truck I see were we are. the drive inns. my eye weld up as remember day taking me here to see Barbies treasure island.
"Hey, hey are you ok," Tyler scopes me into his chest while rubbing my head. silently I sniffle and nod my head and explain to him what happened.

After I sobered up I take in the word park job the truck has. the bed was facing the white screen and there's pillows and blankets in the bed of the truck.
"Thank you so much," I whisper and throw myself further into his arms.
"I'm glad you like it," he says placing his chin in the crook of my neck. I breath out in contentment. This feels so perfect.

But it just like this when I was in talons lap. getting a sour taste I'm my mouth. pulling back keeping at an arms length.
"What movie are we seeing," I question tilting my head to the side. Doe eyed he replies,
"Well miss, we will be seeing 3 movies because it is the monthly old horror movie marathon!" His voice gets deep at the head throwing his arms up in the air before returning them to my waist.
"Come on," I laugh pulling hime to the back of the truck.

Tyler helps me up onto the bed and then follows after. I sit down and pull off my black heeled combat boots. feeling a hand on my waist I turn in his arms. I stare at his chest at first slowly moving my eyes up until I feel the hard surface rumble under my touch. he pulls me down next to him. he removes his hands from me leaving me to wonder why now of all times he keeps his hands to himself.
"I don't mean to move to fast but can I hold you," he asks and I smile and nod.

Instantly I was engulfed in strong arms and placed on a lap as the previews roll in. I snuggle close and breath in his sent.

I awake to Tyler gently shaking my awake. I sleepily smile up at him.
"You wanna stay the night like when we were kids," he gives me a lopsided smile.
"Yes, I would like that very much."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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