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『entry 1

this will be my journal to keep track of my thoughts and reports incase I lose peices of myself.

to future me:
you are sodalite, hardness of 6 and working as a pair with alexandrite at the time of this being written.

don't lose any peices if yourself or myself
or.. im not entirely sure actually...』


『entry 5

today I woke up just at the sun was rising, we had a morning meeting with the rest of my fellow siblings.

I was to stay inside with alexandrite unless a lunarian showed up, I was to record the lunarian sighting since alexandrite couldn't do it themselves.

luckily there was a lunarian sighting but nothing new... but phos was given the job as  the writer for our encyclopedia.

although we didn't have much to record anyways so phos found it quite boring... surprisingly they were able to converse with cinnabar. who had been distancing themselves from the rest of us.                                                』


『entry 18

I've been having some strange dreams as of late. I think they are lucid but I'm not planning to tell sensei or rutile since I was told that dreams can sometimes be very common.

but they seemed to be eerily realistic... its probably nothing but I will tell what happened in said dream soon…

【authors note】
i think I'm much better at writing than I was before. this is also much longer than my usual chapters soooo yeah, thus is my oc BTW.

here are some things u gotta remember for signs in the story, I'll prob at more later on:

『journal entry』

long pause 。。。

-mutiple people are talking over each other

(other person talking)

that's a for now ig but idk how long my motivation shall last...

Soda's dreamscape ¦¦houseki no kuni oc¦¦Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum