1- dream description

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sodalite went to sleep in their own bed after the long day they had but when they woke up. they were somewhere else...

(sodalite) ah, my head...

they suddenly find themselves in a tight and narrow space with is an alleyway. they look outside to find a flashy place with bright lights and tall buildings, some taller than the school.

(sodalite) hmm, it seem there are ALOT of people here. I better hide my prescience.

they looks around to find that most people don't seem to have the same hair as them

(sodalite) it's best I hide my hair as to not draw attention to myself.

they find a used hoodie next to the place they woke up. they put it on and head out into the street. they walk for a bit taking in all the sights they see. giant walls with moving pictures clothing styles like no other.

they past by a one of the buildings but stared back finding gemstones like their siblings, they went inside out of curiosity.

a man met them by the door.

(Larry) hello madam, my name is Larry, welcome to my pawn shop. is there anything I can help you with.

(sodalite) ah yes, you see... I have... lost my memories! yeah, my memories... but Im also interested in the gems you have displayed outside.

(Larry) ah I see, well you need to have money to purchase these, I reccomened the blue diamond necklace, but if you want something cheaper there is a pearl necklace.

(sodalite) well, I don't have any money... at the moment. is there a way to obtain it?

(larry) well, if you have any rare materials I can give you money in return, such as antiques, gemstones,ect.

(sodalite) give me a moment if you will *and turned her back

they plucked a few strands of hair of their head and gave it to the man.

(sodalite) will these suffice? showing multiple shards of sodalite*

(Larry) sodalite huh, well it's not worth much but I know the right people. how about this, $120 for these. deal?

(sodalite) deal.

they shook hands to seal the agreement. but as he was giving them the money he notices their hands.

thier hands are cold and lifeless and their nails are the same color as the shards they gave him. as they were about to leave Larry noticed a glimmering light under their hood.

(Larry) HEY! quick question, can we keep in touch, we don't get many clients so I try and keep in touch with as many as possible.

(sodalite) I mean, I don't know how. this is a big place after all...

(Larry) even you phone number is fine...

(sodalite) I don't know what a "phone" is... I just woke up on the alley a little far back...

(Larry) really?!

Larry pov: damm, I kinda feel bad for her... seems she forgot almost everything...

sodalite pov: hmm, I'll see if I can try to get information out of Larry about this place... I need to keep in touch with them somehow...

(both) - hey do you need a place to stay?
-can i live with you temporarily....

(sodalite) at least until I get a proper house?

(Larry) alright, only temporarily. my daughter is traveling with a few friend at the moment. until then, you can sleep in her room

(sodalite) sure! I'll take up your offer! thank you.
soda pov: that was easy...


they arrive at Larry's house. it's quite small but enough to fit 2-3 people. maybe 4 If someone slept on the couch. they both go inside and Larry decide to make some food.

(Larry) hey, do you want to eat something? I'll see what I have. *he bites into a ham and cheese sandwhich

(sodalite) no thank you. I don't feel like eating... at the moment...

Larry pov: by her looks she must be some sort of model or something like that... must be dieting...

(Larry) I didn't get your name by the way... I think we should know basic information about each other at least.

(sodalite) yeah! you can call me soda! that's what all my siblings call me at least...

Larry pov: what a strange name, I won't pry on it tho, I'll ask her later...

(Larry) Im 44 years old. do you know how old you are?

soda pov: wow, that's young... its best I not be to specific...

(sodalite) I'm the 3rd youngest out of my family... but I think im slightly older than you...

larry pov: ok, that's strange... she must be lying about her age... she looks the same age as Carla...

(Larry) one more question, do you know where you live? maybye we can contact them somehow?

(sodalite) I don't think you can... we live on an isolated island from everyone else... to be honest... I don't know what a phone is... its just me, my siblings and sensei...

Larry pov: isolated... what a strange girl...

(Larry) ok, then let me show you to Carla's room. let's talk more tomorrow...

(sodalite) alright, do lead the way...

he leads them upstairs into a room near the end of the hall. the room seemed to be decorated with fashion drawings of many outfits.

(larry) Carla wants to be a fashion designer... I can lend you some of her clothes tommorow

(sodalite) oh! it's completely fine, I'll just bring my own clothes soon enough.... but thank you for the offer...

(Larry) what a polite girl, alright but at least take the hoodie off, it seems that it's not in good shape....

(sodalite) alright I'll make a mental note of that....

soda pov: tommorow I'm going to try and find a way home...

they both wish each other goodnight and Larry leaves the room. after a while the check to see if he's asleep and takes of the hoodie revealing their royal blue hair. and goes to sleep aswell


later that night, Larry needed to use the bathroom and past by the room soda was sleeping in... it was slightly open so he decided to take a peek... no notices their hair shining under the moonlight reflecting on it as they slept. he took a closer look only to realize it was made of hard stone...

(larry) soda... lite...sodalite.... I see...


when soda wakes up, they find themselves back on the island in bed with their mind in a daze.

(sodalite) uh... my head... that was one strange dream...

she recorded what she dreamt of. Larry, the pawn shop and his house... quickly got changed and joined the morning meeting with the rest of their fellow siblings...

【authors note】
wow, that was the longest chapter I ever made... I better be able to make time with this... I had this plot suck in my head for days now...maybye I'll stop talking to myself voicing the characters in the story.... srsly the grandma is getting concerned with how much I talk to myself... oh well, at least that means I'm always making something new... tysm to everyone who took time to read this... thank you... for wasting *just an assumption btw 20 min of you life reading this story... see you next chapter... hopefully...

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