I'm Sorry.

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" through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault. "


T - Me And Rui were good friends... but we were also born into A Rich and Royal Families,

R - and because of that. We were victims of a kidnapping.

T - But. Our parents had little care over us. So little that they didn't bother paying the ransom to get us back. I was upset.

"I've had Enough!" - R

"Huh?" - T

"I will help you escape out of this dreadful place." - R

"But how—?" - T

"I've planned a head!" - R

That night. That very day. I've regret it so bad.

As we were about to escape our  captor had returned and saw us trying to escape.

At that time i was already out but rui was still inside
I tried to grab Rui's hand but Rui walked backwards?


"Im sorry Tsukasa. This was my original plan. My original intention. Go. NOW."

"Rui. I'll Come Back For You!" - T

" I Promise." -T

A Two years later Rui was assumed Dead
Despite my many protests to continue a search despite my protests to look for him myself.
Everyone stopped me everyone didn't let me.

At this point. I couldn't even tell if they just didn't want me to go for my care.(like they would.)
Or they just didn't want Rui back...

About Seven years later they presumed, Assumed that Rui was dead.
I was heart broken. If he was truly dead, i know to myself that I've failed as his friend.

I lied to him...I'm so sorry. I tried so hard to look for him
But it was always as if the world wasn't on my side every time i tried.

Many years later..

As I was on my way back from my errand. I heard terrible, terrified screams from a distance
I ran towards back home with great concern.

When i had arrived i saw a man who wore black clothing and black lilies around him
This man had what seemed to be... purple hair and 2 streaks of cyans on his bangs.

As I ran up closer ... that face, that hair, those eyes , those flowers...

Could it be..?

" Rui...?" - T

The purple haired man turned around as if he was a cat or dog
Responding to its name.

"Tsukasa...?" - R

He was about to attack someone from his family but
He stopped because of me...

"Im so sorry—!" - T

"Huh...?" - R

"I'm sorry when i left you there i wish i didn't—!"

"Oh tsukasa... after you left you a few months later i escaped myself and then i met someone.
They introduced me to something new, refreshing. And i killed the man who captured us. Its was my revenge. Our revenge. My Vengeance for you." - R

" But you don't have to do this-" - T

"Oh? But yes i do. This is very necessary." - R

I froze in place. Everyone left me here with Rui to face. Not like i was surprised they all leave me to
Handle things on my own.

But... i was so shocked , i was stunned. How could it be? That my own friend became a bad person?..
How could it be? When i arrive back to go home i come back to see my dearest friend, the one i loved, the one i cherished the one who i shared my childhood with. Turned into a villain...

" through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault . "

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