Chapter Two - Consume

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Danis POV

A little backstory. Me & Paige became friends my sophomore year, when i first transferred from Louisville. I had to transfer because i wanted to be closer to my brother, he's been going through alot and i wanted to make sure i could be there whenever i could. Okay anyways, when i first came here, Paige was the first person i met. She helped me with class work, projects, anything you could think of. First few weeks i got really close with her & the team, but im only really friends with Ice, Azzi, Ines, & Nika. Me & Kk also got really close but we don't talk as much as we used to after her & her girlfriend (or ex) got back together.


Me & Paige finally decide to go back to her dorm room. Azzi was staying with one of her friends tonight so it would just be me and Paige. If i'm being honest, it scares me. But i wanted her here. I wanted her with me.

"Dani, are we gonna go?" Paige says. I got completely lost in my thoughts about the girl i'm sitting right next to.

"Yeah- sorry." I say. I get up from beside Paige and all of a sudden her hand goes to my lower back as she gets up herself. I froze, I simply just froze. I know it was just for support, but I just- i don't know. It shocked me.

"You ready?" She asks, looking into my eyes. I don't know how this girl does it. She can just— make eye contact without getting nervous. Like it doesn't matter what we are talking about, she just seems so interested in whatever it is. It makes me fold so hard.

"Yeah" I say, smiling. She grabs my wrist and leads me out the party before yelling out to the rest of the team "WE HEADING OUT" & Nika turns around giving her a nod and thumbs up, so she's most likely gonna inform everyone else.

As we are walking to her car, i can't help but notice her HANDS. Like how does one acquire such beautiful hands? Like hello? They are big, and soft, and gentle— but, they are hands. Hands. Why am i thinking about her hands.

We finally make it to the car and her grip on my wrist loosens. She lets go, and gives me a closed-mouth smile. I walk over to the other side of the car and she gets in on her side, pressing a button, unlocking the door for me. I get in and she gives me that smile. That SMILEE like oh my gosh. Why? Who? What? When? Where? Did anyone say she could have such a gorgeous smileeee.

About 12 minutes later, you guessed it, we got to the dorm. Paige didn't finish half of her beer so she wasn't really drunk, meaning she was able to drive. As i got out of the car, she stayed inside, and i noticed she was looking at a text message on her phone. She looked up at me before saying, "Hey— Uh... i gotta be somewhere. Are you gonna be able to make it up the stairs by yourself?" She says, slightly chuckling. And this pissed me off. Because i knew what was going on. "Yeah" i say. I tried to force a smile but it was hard enough. I knew she was going to meet up with some hoe she met at the party.

"Alright, uh lock your door. I'll be up there in about an hour, be safe Dani." She says, smiling up at me. You can't stay mad when she has a smile like that. I smile before closing the door and slightly stumbling as i make my way up to my dorm. I finally get up to my door and unlock it, finally able to breathe. After I make it inside, I throw my purse onto the floor, and i plop onto the couch. After 4 minutes of my silence, I get up and go into the bathroom, Brushing my teeth, pulling my hair into a messy bun and taking a shower. My shower was long. About 30 minutes. When i get out, i put on some short, black shorts and a pink oversized tee. It was lonely. I was lonely. Only because— I asked paige to be with me tonight. It's kinda annoying. I decided to go into my room, turning on the tv and shutting the door as i watch SpongeBob. I check the time, and it's 3am. My eyes start to get heavy and i wanna doze off. As my eyes start to shut, i hear my door open. I crawl under the covers, not knowing who it is until Paige opens the door to my dorm.

"Hey, you good?" Paige says, smirking at me. She looked so hot right now. She always does. "Yeah, you took forever though, where did you go?"

Paige smirks at me before walking over to my bed, standing over me as she plays with my curls.

"Doesn't matter, but open this." She gives me a smirk before turning to the bag that she was hiding in her jacket. It looked like a present bag.

"What is this?" I say smiling in excitement before opening the bag. I pulled out a teddy bear and some chocolate. What the hell was the occasion? It isn't my birthday, It isn't a holiday, It isn't— Oh. It's our friend-iversary. How the hell did she- remember..?

"Paige oh my god you shouldn't have!" I say. I look at up at her, her eyes look hungry, she's literally consuming me with them. I don't know if this gift was an excuse to get in my pants, (which i wouldn't mind) or if she was just being nice and she's tired right now.

"You're welcome." She says, smirking at me. Next thing i know she's talking off her hoodie... along with her shirt...

"What are you doing?" I ask. My eyes are darting from her face to her abs every. second.

She shrugs and just looks at me, her eyes moving from my lips to my boobs to my legs, all at once. I don't know what she wants to do, but she's gonna have to say it.

"Hey.." She's says, moving closer to me.

"Hmm?" I say. I'm a bit afraid of what's gonna come out of her mouth.

"You ever..  been with a girl before?" She asks. She's still looking at me with those hungry eyes and the way they are studying my body makes me think she's trying to SEDUCE ME. (I don't mind.)

"Well, yeah but i've never fucked one." I say, chuckling slightly. But then i look up at her, she doesn't seem to think anything i'm saying is funny.

Next thing i know she gets up and quickly moves towards me, smashing her lips against mine.

a/n: guys idk how to write smut so this is the update you guys have for now..writing smut is torture. like actually. ☺️

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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