Chapter 10

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For the next hour, they were out by the pool. Kelly was observing Matt closely. He wasn't wearing a shirt either, so his mark was on full display, but Matt, Connor or Heather hadn't reacted to it other than a double take. Actually, if we were being sincere here, Connor and Heather had stared at the mark for a little too long, and then they both turned to each other and then at Matt. Matt was the one; Kelly didn't even know if he had noticed the mark. His body language indicated nothing, but he noticed the blond tapping again against his cup when he and Heather were talking on the poolside. When he focused closer, it looked less like a random tapping and more like some code.

What's a tapping code? Morse code?

He couldn't see clearly from his distance, not even how long he was tapping, and Kelly had to keep looking away because every few seconds, Matt would glance over with a frown.

He didn't know how to feel about this situation. Does he ask Matt about them being soulmates or wait until the blond approaches him first? No. Definitely, not, he can't hold back especially if his soulmate is less then ten feet away from him right now. He just needed a way to get Matt by himself.


"So, I wanted to ask you something," Heather said, sitting beside Matt and dangling her feet in the pool. Matt hummed, both hands mindlessly tapping at the side of the pool and staring into the water. "It's about us."

"Break up?" Matt asked, and Heather shook her head.

"My parents like the idea of you and me too much. That's not what I wanted to ask you," Heather said. Matt gave him a sympathetic smile, and Heather shrugged. "It is what it is."

"You know, I think if you had introduced Andy to your parents before you put us in their heads, they might've accepted Andy," Matt said. Heather groaned and dropped her head on his shoulder.

"I panicked, okay," she whined. "But now that is done, and your parents are involved, and we both know your parents won't allow us to break up."

"Well, we don't need to listen," he whispered with a deep frown. Heather's head snapped up in shock. Matt hardly suggests going against his parents, and Heather has witnessed why. But Matt looked like he didn't want anyone else to hear it.

"Rather keep you alive, please and thank you," Heather said. Matt rolled his eyes and shoved her shoulder. "Anyways, I know you and I need to talk about everything. But I think keep the PDA to a minimum. Cuddles and stuff are fine, but for kisses, keep it to the temple and cheek, like you already do. But..." She trailed off.

"But..." Matt repeated.

"Andy seems to think that you and I might turn into something. Do you know that trope about a fake relationship turns real? Well, he thinks it's something like that. I tried explaining to him that you're gay without outing you. But I can tell he is a bit jealous or confused."

"So... what? You want me to come out to him?" Matt asked, and Heather shook her head and groaned. She dropped her head in his lap and reached a hand lightly in the water.

"I know he would never forbid me or whatever from seeing you or Con, but I know our social difference affects him, especially when I had to explain why you and I are fake dating. I don't know, I don't want to out you to him when you aren't ready. I'm just confused. I don't want to lose him either."

"Heather, if he can't trust you-" Matt started, and Heather tapped his thigh to get him to stop.

"He does. I think he is more insecure about himself and then sees you, the same social class as me. I'm not sure, but that's what he hinted at," Heather said, sitting up and looking at Matt with a pout.

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