Chapter 14

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Hey everyone!

I'm so sorry for going MIA for a bit. A lot of shit has happened during the second half of exam season. Lots of medical shit happened, and well... nearly ended up in the hospital a few times and then a complete 180 change on medication (which I do not recommend doing what I did), so my body was all over the place. Basically, for the past few weeks, I felt as if I was going through hell.

I'm much more coherent now. My brain is no longer so fuzzy that I can concentrate long enough to understand what I'm thinking, so I'm back. Fingers crossed, I'll be back to regularly posting every Friday.

But I will warn you: I tried to edit these next few chapters during my weird medication fail fog, so it might be better. I don't know. Just a warning.

Sorry for the wait, and I hope you enjoy it.



"He nearly died, and you're telling me Gregory isn't doing anything? Not even a doctor to at least look over the marks on his back, ass and legs?" Connor asked angrily as he, Heather and Robert stood beside a passed-out Matt in his room.

"No," Robert said with a sigh and rubbed his forehead.

"Con, your mother used to be a nurse, right? Before she married your father," Heather said, and Connor swallowed and nodded.

"She finished her degree and worked for about a year before they married," Connor said.

"Think you can sneak her over here to check on Matt? It's not like she isn't aware of the monster the Caseys are," Heather had to clench her hands to keep her anger in check.

"My dad is at work today, and my mom is home right now, but won't Gregory notice once he comes into the room to find Matt with, I don't know, an IV?" Connor asked, and Robert scoffed and shook his head.

"He never enters Matt's room or comes near here," Robert said.

"Is Cassie downstairs? Maybe she can wipe up a soup or something," Heather asked, and Robert shook his head.

"Nancy fired her when Cassie asked for time off when it came closer to her due date. I wanted to slap that bitch right then and there, especially since I learned what happened to Matt only hours ago, but Cassie made me stay here to keep an eye on Matt. I can, however, ask her to make something, and I will go home to pick it up. It'll be easy to get Cassie here through Connor's room. Anyone at your house?"

"Only my mom," Connor said, walking towards his room.


"Oh my god," Cassie said, coming over to the bed where Matt is now awake with an IV in his arms for the fluids he lost. "How are you feeling?" Matt shrugs, not looking up from where he is staring at his hands.

"Matt, can you eat something?" Elizabeth asked softly. Matt shrugged again. Cassie put her bag down, and Heather placed the bed table over Matt's lap.

"Why don't we all eat? I think we all had a long day," Cassie suggested. She gave everyone a food container and handed Matt his soup, knowing he doesn't eat much in this state.

"Do you want to watch a movie? The new Avenger one came out?" Connor asked, already reaching for the remote.

"Yeah, come on, let's watch Chris Evans and all his Captain America glory," Heather said and placed a hand on Matt's shoulder, only for the blond to tense up. Heather immediately pulled back her hand and mumbled an apology.


Kelly was running off the field after their game, a bit surprised to see his mother in the stands beside Andy and a poorly concealed Heather attached under Andy's arm. When they won, Jennifer came down to meet him on the field and congratulated him with an awkward hug. Thank God Andy was there to lift the mood.

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