chapter 6

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Bakuo's pov

He, he wants me to die? Tch, he's better than the others I guess. He can say it to my face at least. That's probably why I was put on this mission. Instead of an underground pro or something. No one cares about me being here. Fucking extras can die.

No one's pov

As Bakugo walked out of the elevator with his bag in hand, he could see most of the class surrounding the now crying red head. One of the girls Mina, noticed him and suddenly he was being yelled at. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Bakugo just looked at her, straight into her eyes with no care at all. They stood there for a short second before turning to the door and opening the door to see 2 of the most well respected people in Japan's forces. Toshinori Yagi and Todoroki Enji. Also known as All Might and Endeavor.

"Hello there young man, are you Bakugo, the one we're supposed to drop off at the train station?" All might have said with worry in his voice seeing as they were sent to a 1st year dorm. "Yeah that's me. So are we just going to stand here or are we leaving?" Both males were surprised at the boy's rudeness but brushed it off. As the older men started walking to a black car Bakugo was a few feet behind them. He could feel the eye-daggers being engraved into his back as he walked. He was relieved as he got into the car and closed the door blocking people from seeing him. 

After a 45 minute drive in pin drop quiet, the car stopped at the train stop. "You know where to go, correct?" asked Endeavor looking into the mirror to see Bakugo answer with a silent nod before saying yeah. As Katsuki got out of the car he could hear all might say a goodbye before driving off, leaving the blonde alone to find his way. Soon enough he found the train he needed to get on seeing it would be there soon he hurried and left to go to the bathroom before the ride. Just in time when he got back out he saw the train had arrived so he got on before taking a seat next to the door. 

He fell asleep at one point, being woken up when an old lady woke him asking if it was his stop. "wha- oh um not my stop is the next one." "Alright, I'll wake you hp then if you want?" Bakugo then noticed the lady had been standing the whole time. "No it's alright. And take my seat." "Oh such a kind boy you are! Thank you boy!"

>time skip to where he got off the train<

Bakugo pov

Once I helped that lady go some random extras in black suits came up to me. "Are you Bakugo Katsuki?" the one with black hair spoke. Why did speak like she was upset or something. What's her deal? "And if I am? What's it to you extras!?" "Yep that's him.*sigh*"  "What do you expect? Some preppy ass bitch?" "The boss was right..." The next thing I knew, they pulled me into a car and started driving. The only thing i could think of was that these guys are part of the mafia. 

"Sooooooo... How do you know the boss???" some random girl with pink cheeks asked me. damn extra. "Tch. Dumbass I don't even know your boss!" "Then how'd you get an interview?" "Uraraka, he properly heard there was an opening from someone." then the guy in the passenger seat answered for me. "Finally, it looks like one of you has a brain." Then some dude with blue hair and glasses spoke. "Everyone please calm down! We're almost there so please be ready."

Soon we pulled into a gravel driveway. There was a gate and some guards standing in front of it. four-eyes talked to one of them for a minute before the gate opened up and we were let in. Great, phase one of infiltrating the mafia. Done. 

<Izuku pov>

Dang it!!! When will that new guy get here???? It's taking foreverrrrr- "Sir they are here." Oh- OH Yayyy no more waiting!! OK IZUKU! Remember to keep a straight face, make him scared of you! He's new so he needs to know who is the boss here! *knock knock* shit- ummmmm- paperwork!! 

3rd person pov

Izuku started doing some paperwork with a cold face on, as the door opened. Not looking up he didn't see who had just walked in the room yet. As for Bakugo he was bowing as he said hello. At the same time both males looked up. Izuku's eyes had become wide, not expecting to see his Childhood best friend/ex-bully in front of him because he thought he was still at UA. after a few seconds of shock and confusion, his eyes saw some blush creep on the blonde's cheeks.

Bakugo's pov 

Huh? why isn't he talking? As I got up my eyes were met with forest green ones. Izu- Izuku? Wait-how-what-when-why-he-I-did-... DAMN. He's kinda hot now.. Shit shit my cheeks i can feel them getting hot- is he smirking?

(he looks like the cover) 

"Hey Kacchan~ what are you doing here?" shit shit shit!! I need to come up with a good lie!!!! Wait- PERFECT! 

"H-hey deku...

CLIFF HANGER!!! I'm working on chapter 7 now cuz its the weekend and i don't sleep. so i might post it sometime tmw or tonight. anyways i might do smut next chapter but idk. goodbye pookies😘 later!

704 words

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