Chapter 36 - The Exploding Plane Crash

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It was lunchtime at the Alpha Echo Headquarters, and everyone was sitting down eating their food when suddenly the alarms went off.

"A plane has crashed in the North Atlantic Ocean following a dual engine failure." Read out the computer
"Looks like we're going to the docks team. Hop into the T.T.B.C, and let's get going." Said Arthur

The team then raced to the T.T.B.C and hopped in. They then raced to the docks and got there in 3 minutes. As they arrived, the team all hopped out and raced to the Search And Rescue Jet Skis.

After about 7 minutes at 174 knots, they had reached the plane crash. Everyone was already in life rafts, so all the Alpha Echo Team did was tie them up to their jet skis and tow them all back to land. However... just as they got past the threshold, the plane exploded.

"Change of plans. We're all going back to the docks, and you're staying in a holding cell aboard the Alpha Echo Enterprise." Said Arthur

They raced back to the docks and got everyone off of the life rafts and made sure they were all ok.

"Alpha Echo One to Alpha Echo Enterprise, come in." Said Alpha Echo 1
"Captain Martinel here. Go ahead, Captain." Said Martinel
"I've got everyone from the plane crash here. I need them put into holding cells." Said Arthur
"10-4. I'll beam them up and get them put in holding." Said Martinel

Everyone was then beamed up and put in separate holding cells. While the investigation continued.

The team then raced back to the exploded plane to try and figure out what caused the explosion.
"Right, team, let's figure out what exploded this plane." Said Arthur
"It could be a bomb or a malfunction in the plane's systems." Said Jas

The team then raced to the exploded plane and started to put on their diving gear.
"Right, let's figure out what caused the plane to go down and explode." Said Arthur


The team had started their dive to search the plane and figure out what happened.
"I've just seen some scorch marks here." Said Jas
"I've just got some traces of gunpowder." Said Helen
"I've just spotted what seems to be a motherboard." Said Maria
"I've got a backpack that seems to have explosion marks on it." Said Dylan
"I've got what seems like an exploded keypad." Said Ruby

"Right, this was definitely an act of terrorism. Let's get all these things run for any prints or DNA that we can use to find the terrorist." Said Arthur
"10-4." Said the team

The team then surfaced and hopped on their Jet Skis. They then got their diving gear off and returned to the docks.

After they had reached the docks and moored up, the team then sent all the evidence they had collected to the detective, Lieutenant James Grey.

The detective then looked over all the evidence and determined that it was a backpack bomb. The detective then sent it to the Chief Of Forensics, Lieutenant Maxine Abramovich.

Lieutenant Abramovich then scanned all the evidence for fingerprints and any traces of DNA. After a while, Lieutenant Abramovich found traces of DNA from a man called Ernest Ruffner.

"Lieutenant Abramovich to Alpha Echo One, come in." Said Lieutenant Abramovich
"Alpha Echo One here. Go ahead, Lieutenant." Said Arthur
"The backpack bombers' name is Ernest Ruffner." Said Lieutenant Abramovich
"10-4. I'll get him now." Said Arthur

Arthur then left his quarters and went to the holding cells to get Ernest Ruffner.

"Suit, scan people, and when Ernest Ruffner is found, highlight him." Said Arthur
The suit then started to scan people and look for Ernest Ruffner. As Arthur entered the holding cell, he looked around for Ernest Ruffner.

"Suspect Found" Was shown on the holographic display on the visor

Arthur then moved towards Ernest Ruffner and stopped right in front of him. Arthur then turned to face him and stared Ernest Ruffner dead in his eyes. Ernest Ruffner stood there petrified as he could clearly see the fury and hatred in Arthur's eyes.

Arthur then grabbed him by his collar and held him there.
"What the fuck did you think you were doing!" Shouted Arthur "You could have killed so many innocent fucking lives!" They added

Arthur then threw the petrified Ernest Ruffner aside to the security team.
"Take the Backpack Bombing Terrorist to mechanism 3.0." Ordered Arthur
"Yes, Captain. Shall do." Said one of the security team.

Ernest Ruffner was then taken to the chamber for the killing mechanism 3.0. After a few minutes, Arthur appeared.
"Is it ready?" Asked Arthur
"Yes, Captain." Said Ryan

"Ernest Ruffner, you are here today to be killed for the crimes you have committed." Said Arthur
"The charges that are held against you are as follows:

One Hundred And Fifty Five counts of attempted murder. One count for every passenger and crew member aboard the flight.
One count of terrorism.
One count of possession of a firearm without a licence.
One count of assault.
One count of piloting a plane without a licence." Added Arthur
"Now, we were able to salvage some security camera footage from the attack, and we were able to figure out who caused the plane to change course and crash land on the ocean." They said

"I would like to award Latonya Voran the Alpha Echo Cross for her act of great bravery while there was a terrorist trying to take over the plane. Because of you fighting against the terrorist and taking him down, you were able to change the course of the plane and save thousands of lives." Said Arthur while presenting her with the medal

"Now. As for you, Ernest Ruffner. You have been condemned to death." Said Arthur

"Captain Ryan Martinel, are you ready?" Asked Arthur
"Ready, Captain." Said Captain Martinel

"Set to Three Point Zero." Said Arthur
"Set." Said Captain Martinel
"On my mark." Said Arthur
"On your mark, Captain." Said Captain Martinel
"Engage." Ordered Arthur
"Engaged." Said Captain Martinel as he pulled the lever

"Chamber depressurizing." Said Arthur
(1 minute 15 seconds later)
"Chamber is one quarter depressurized." Said Arthur
(Another 1 minute 15 seconds later)
"Chamber is now half way depressurized." Said Arthur
(Again, another 1 minute 15 seconds later)
"Chamber is now three quarters depressurized." Said Arthur
(A final 1 minute 15 seconds later)
"Chamber is fully depressurized." Said Arthur
"Captain Martinel open the door." Said Arthur
"Door opening." Said Captain Martinel
"Door is now open." Said Captain Martinel

"Weapons, are you ready?" Asked Arthur over the intercom
"Ready." Said Lieutenant Colin Miller

"Disengage forcefield." Said Arthur
"Forcefield disengaged." Said Captain Martinel

"Weapons, target is set. Lock on and fire one photon torpedo." Said Arthur
"Locked on and firing now." Said Lieutenant Miller

"Reset the chamber." Said Arthur
"Resetting the chamber now." Said Captain Martinel

Arthur then walked to transporter room 1 and got beamed back down to the HQ. They then went into the kitchen and started to make dinner for everyone.

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