misjudged feelings

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Ariana grande
    A whole year have passed,now comes the dawn of a new year,and also a new academic freshman year,days of elementary school and middle school are gone,and I'm so excited to be a senior at a freshman year.I quickly wore my school uniform,then I used a colourful ribbon to pack my hair in a ponytail style,I took my school bag,then I dashed out of the house,I went to meet my mum in her coffee shop,
Good bye mom,I'll start going now,ok dear,learn well,take your transport fare thanks mom I'll start going so I won't miss the bus.I walked to the bustop,then I boarded a bus heading to cheong dam college after about 45 minutes I reached my destination.Gosh this has literally been my dream,I can't actually believe that I'm going to step foot into cheong dam college,I look a deep breath I'm so excited.
Ariana!Ariana!I heard my name from behind.i looked it was my two best friends, Rose and Lisa,we all wrapped our selves in a friendly hug.Guys I'm so excited rose said glowing with a dazzling smile,I also just learnt that my boyfriend attends this school,damn Rose so you are just excited because your boyfriend attends this school? Don't mind her Ariana,Lisa said.
We entered into the school building,and the school surrounding was stunning, sincerely I'm really excited to be a student of cheong dam high school,my dream has finally become a really.I went to my classroom, I was in 11th grade,I was a bit nervous but I think that a deep breath was all that was needed to put me at ease.i greeted the teacher,
Good morning ma,she replied then she faced the class,students we have a new transferee from byeong school,please introduce yourself.Good morning,I'm Ariana a new transfer student and I major in medicine.okariana go and seat wherever you want,I looked around the class then I saw an empty seat,not minding who the seat mate was I took my bag then I went to seat there.
I brought out my book and pen and I was just about to start writing but I noticed that almost everyone was staring at me excluding the teacher who was jotting on the board.I looked at Rose and Lisa who were just few seats away,but they just smiled at me.Gosh why is everyone staring at me like this did I sit with a devil? I turned to look at my seat mate,gosh I wasn't expecting what I saw,I saw a very handsome guy,geez he's so handsome I felt my heart racing,I haven't seen a guy as handsome as him,even my ex boyfriend can't compete with him in terms of looks.I kept staring at him, forgetting that I was in a classroom, different emotions overwhelmed me, I totally forget my self.hi I'm Ryan,it took me a while to answer him,after some while I came back to my senses I quickly faced my front.
Why did I have to act so weird,it's just my first day and a lot of girls are already gossiping about me damn why me!I quickly took my lectures now it was lunch time, I really needed to cool my calm my self down.i went to the school cafeteria with my two friends,we brought some food and then we sat on an empty seat,I was picking my food,u couldn't eat I just kept thinking about what happened in class.why did I stare at him like that?gosh Ariana I didn't even make a good first impression,now he might think that I'm allover him,but why did I loose control of my self by staring at him a that much?I know the answer to my question even if I don't want to admit it Ariana do you like Ryan Rose asked,I looked at her rose why will u say such a thing I asked her, the way you stared at him was too obvious,was it obvious I asked of course it was Rose replied .Guys I feel so embarrassed,I didn't even know why I acted like that but one thing is for sure I don't like him.ariana we have been friends since elementary school when you're lieing i can tell  because I've known you since child hood lisa said.
Lisa I don't like him,I'm serious even if you like him,I know that you will deny him but Ariana there's nothing to be embarrassed about you are better than some girls who will go wild for Ryan,to be honest Ariana I've had a crush on Ryan to the extant that 8 do see him in my nightmare but you guys know that I am not the type of guy to chase a girl so I'll rather back off.said Lisa,so u mean you let go of Ryan said rose of course Lisa replied I don't have much of a choice,besides I'm not the only girl that's into him and I don't think that I stands a chance,even Ariana is into him.lisa stop teasing me.Aria a rose called my name, don't mind Lisa I'm going to advise you as a friend and as someone who cares about you,if you really like Ryan fight for it,you are pretty and Ryan is handsome you guys will form a good couple,.
Rose cut off that slang,I never said that i was into him,Ariana just bear it in mind that live is not a misconception,it is meant to be,I just gazed at Rose,she's really something else,the more I try to ignore her word it hit me hard as if I really needed it.well said by our love professor,Lisa said not a bad name I guess Rose replied speaking of Ryan there he is,I looked at Ryan and the same thing that happened in class happened again.i kept staring at him,it was as if 8 was hypnotized,Ariana rose giggled,what now rose,just listen to my advice ariana.o my boyfriend is over there I'll go meet him,enjoy guys rose said as she left.Thank good Ness she's gone now.you know what Ariana we do have something in common,we are the singles ones,lol I replied,at least single ones like us has the right to eat in peace,I said we both laughed we had a nice time together.when lunch time was over,I went I to the classroom. I didn't do anything wrong so I guess that there's nothing to be ashamed of.just as rose said love is not a misconception,it is meant to be I guess that's a word I will have to hold onto.

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