clearly my feelings

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Ariana grande
It's night already,what a long day it must have been,I bid my mum good night,as I went into my room,I tried to catch some sleep but all to no avail.
I kept thinking about Ryan,it was as if he casted a spell on me,of course he didn't but i guess his handsome face did cast a spell on me.
Ariana,you are not the type of girl to think about a guy,Ryan is just your classmate and there is nothing else to it.I tried talking some senses into my self,but my emotions kept running wild.gosh;I never thought I would become like this,instead of having a peaceful sleep I'm here thinking about a guy who probably might be snoring.
Ariana come on Ryan is a total stranger,after some wasted effort of falling asleep,I stood up,I sat down on my spare chair I turned my laptop on then I opened a browser on the school website.Even though I never wanted to,I felt my hands input RYAN,after searching a lot of information did pop up a popular guy with stunning looks sounds so perfect I kept glancing through .
O,so he's the president of the broadcasting club,a good chance for me; Geez Ariana you're just overreacting.I turned off my laptop I placed it gently then I went to sleep.
Just like every other day,it's morning already, Ariana was still asleep,her mom came to knock on her door,Ariana it's morning already
,get up and prepare for college,ok mom,Ariana stood up from her bed,and she went into the bathroom she took her bath,after some minutes,she was fully dressed up for school she had breakfast she then helped her mum to set up her restaurant,then she left quickly for college.After an hour Ariana arrives at school.
Geez,just on time,I sighted lisa then I ran to meet her; Good morning Ariana,where is rose?,I asked; she's taking a walk around school with her boyfriend,o I see let's get going before lecture start.we both held her hands as we left for class.
As I entered the classroom, everywhere became silent,well I don't care,I guess that I have to get used to this kind of behavior from now on,I went to my seat then I sat down;no teacher was in my class so I rested my head on the table,not long after a student from 10th grade came into my classroom.Ariana your school guardian Mrs Steve,wants to see you right now,she's in the staff office,ok I replied as I made my way into the staff office.
Good day Mrs Steve,you sent for me,of course yes,she replied,I sent for you in order to discuss the different sections of the school sections according to your major; As u know, different club which performs different task to the school which section are you interested in?umm ma I would like to join the broadcasting club,huh,you mean the broadcasting club,yes ma'am,am I not allowed to join?no that's not what I mean,you major in medicine,why choose a broadcasting club?you can choose medicine related club; umm well you see ma'am,wait aliyah let me send for the president of the club; she sent for Ryan and within few minutes,Ryan joins the scene.
Good morning Mrs Steve,you sent for me,yes Ryan,Ariana want to join your club;she wants to join my club Ryan asked;yes, is that any problem with that?no ma'am,I'm just surprised because she major in medicine;and medicine and broadcasting are not related concept.well you see,umm I've always wanted to become a broadcaster,but my mom was against it,she claims that she doesn't want a child that's a broadcasting,that's why I majored in medicine just to pacify my mom.i said willing to convince them, even if it was all a lie,the main reason why I want to join the broadcasting club is because of RY_ _.I find it hard to admit even if I lie to everyone,I can't lie to my self
O my dear,you can invite your mum over,I'll help you talk to her Mrs Steve said umm don't worry ma'am,no need for that,even if I don't get to fulfill my dream,I can just experience what it truly feels by joining the broadcasting club and besides my mum will be very angry if she finds out that I tell this to you; okay Ariana no problem.
GEEZ,I can't actually believe that I lied against my mum,just to get what I want,Geez!mom wherever you are please forgive me,it's certained as human beings we are bound to lie,if my mum was here, I'll probably be six feet under.
Ryan introduce Ariana to the broadcasting club,ok ma'am Ariana follow me,ok Ryan..
I followed Ryan nervously,this moment of being alone with him lingered me nearer,at this moment I was clearly aware of what I feel towards him something everyone calls first love,I was drawing my step gazing at his figure from behind;the way his curled hair formed a good shape and his amazing structure,Gosh I became lost in thought,he then looked back staring at me,I was 5 feet away from Ryan, gosh will he stop staring at me like that just his stare is making my heart beat this fast:
Ariana,he called my name,what, I replied why a re you there,he asked I'm following you, I replied Ariana did you fart?Ryan asked,no I didn't ,I said as I ran and stayed by his side,I'm sure that you did fart Ryan said.what did you say I asked him; nothing he replied,you did say something but forget it,said I as I kept walking by his side damn my heart was beating hard,u was so cringed,I placed my hands in my chest,is the really the feeling of being in love,if it's not I wonder what it may be.
What re you holding your chest Ryan asked,my heart is beating and it's because of you; because of me Ryan said as he fixed his gaze on me;umm I mean you accused me of farting that is why my heart is propitiating,it's your fault though I said trying to get rid of whatever he was thinking at the moment,are you sure he asked as he drew his face closer to mine.Holy shit! It was as if he was staring right into my soul.of course I'm sure don't you dare think anything;I wore a strong face trying so hard to hide my emotions;after a while my gaze diverted to his lips;if I keep looking at him I might do something stupid;I immediately faced my front,he smirked then he faced the front,I'm not thinking anything,you're the one that's overreacting;whatever I said as I kept walking by his side if only he knows how hard my heart is beating for him,if only he knows how head over hills i am for him,if only he knows but I don't think he knows.
After some walks we reached the broadcasting hall: we then entered the club, Ryan introduced me to the club members,I noticed that some girls were eyeing me desperately,I guess those girls are in love with Ryan just as I am,but I don't give a fucking damn about them,I noticed something funny,all the members of the club were females,there was no single male,I guess Ryan must have won their heart just as he won mine.Angel please teach her the basics of the club,I'll be back shortly Ryan said as he made his way out of the club.u guess angel is the vice president judging by the way she's looking at me I can sense enemity,I went to meet her then I took a seat near her I was expecting her to inform me about the basics of the club instead she looked at me with a cunning smile: follow me let's talk outside;I followed her then we stopped at the entrance of the club.I was expecting her to say something reasonable but what she said took me by surprise;why did you join the broadcasting club;she asked giving me a daring stare,I don't think I owe you any explanation and besides as a student of this college,I have to right to join whatever club I want to join; I said snapping her out of her stupidity;
Well whatever you say ;she replied but I don't want to see you anywhere near Ryan:I used my hand to stroke my hair backward then I gave her a stunning look and in what position are you to decide what I'll do I replied;
Ariana I'm just advising you as a friend an as someone who cares,do u think that Ryan will fall for you or do you think that you can ever be Ryan girlfriend if that's what you're thinking then 8 guess you're so foolish to think that way because the Ryan I know will never fall in love with a girl like you. I smiled tremendously trying to notify her that her words doesn't have an effect on me,well angel that's not for you to decide and if you're sure that Ryan can't fall for me why tell me,I can feel that you're so I secured;I said looking at her confidently.
Who says I'm I secured she replied I'm Ryan girlfriend she said
To be honest I couldn't stop laughing,the last time I checked Ryan doesn't have a girlfriend and here you are a fool daydreaming of being Ryan girlfriend I guess you're u. Wonderland.
What did you just say,she asked being furious,what you heard I replied,u guess my words choke her to her bones.
Don't you worry Ariana I'll make schooling your worst nightmare,I would like to see you try I said, not allowing her to finish her threat statement ;just then Ryan joins the scene.
What's going on Ariana he asked Ryan angel is threatening me it seems like she hate me for no just cause;I said. don't mind her Ryan ,sophi said trying to convince him;angel if you are on bad terms with Ariana you could have just told me instead of holding a grudge; afterwards Ryan turned to me Ariana I'll teach you the basics of the club myself ,do you have chance in Saturday:yes I replied feeling so happy;let's meet at 3:00pm at happy restaurant,ok noted Ryan I replied after saying this he left.
I faced angel thanks for this opportunity,ill make good use of it I said mockingly as I left for class.

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