The deal day

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O my God here comes Saturday,I'm feeling overjoyed.Today I'm going to spend some quiet time with Ryan;I'm so excited,the only problem I have now is what I'm going to wear.
I never realized that all my cloth were old modern style until now, I've scattered all my ward robe but it seems like I'm out of cloth,gosh I have to look good to impress my crush.
I went to the sitting room,my mom was watching some newly released drama series,then I sat beside her.mum can I ask you something?yeah as far as it's reasonable I'll answer you;okay mom,for instance mom if you are going to visit your crush,how will you dress?I was expecting her to answer my question instead she gave me a suspicious look;Ariana do you have a crush;mum you are funny,do I look like someone that have a crush,geez mom u're funny , umm since you don't have a crush,I guess there's no point in answering your question,mom please a friend asked me that why I'm seeking for your opinion I said with a plead ful eye.ok if that's the case I'll answer you,I guess a skimpy white top with a black miny skirt or maybe a black baggy jeans; Geez I don't have any those;l knew it Ariana you do have a crush:To be honest mom u do have a crush and I'm meeting him today but the thing is that all my cloths are too long they don't just fit well.
Well you never complained until now;my mom replied,come on mom you're not helping you can't say that you've never had a crush before;of course I've had a crush before my mum replied Ariana about your crush,do he know that you're into him?of course not mom,tons of girls are into him,and I guess that I'm just a part of them;ok dear,come with me I'll pick something up for you.
I followed my mom into her room,then she picked a long flay blue gown coupled with a black jacket and also a blue head band after wearing this I needed no one to tell me how ugly i looked.
Mom,what's this,what do you mean Ariana you look cute,mom can you just stop,how will I ever find a boyfriend if I keep dressing this way;Ariana there's nothing wrong with what you are wearing;mom I won't wear this, you're going to wear it my mom replied.Th8s is obviously one thing about my mum that I don't like,she's strict concerning her decision,but this is too much for me,how will I visit then checked the time it was 2:40 pm how will I visit Ryan looking like a model from the 1960s,gosh this is literally too much.i tried to beg my mum to allow me change,at least a blue crop top with a blue short is more preferable than this outdated style;but as always she turned a deaf ear,I guess asking for her advice is a very bad decision,I don't think that I'll ever ask for he opinion ever again.
I wore a black heel shoe,then I did a bit of makeup,I carried a blue fancy bag containing my phone, transport fare,and a white handkerchief;after taking all this I stormed out of the house.
I checked the time,it was 2:00pm,I guess I still have an hour left;instead of feeling happy,I was feeling so sad;I could imagine Ryan laughing at sighting me :damn I don't know what to do.I fumbled my phone out of my bag then I dialed Rose number after a while she picks the call.
Hi Rose, Ariana how are you;I'm fine I replied actually I don't think I'm fine;are you at home,I asked Rose,yes I am ,can I come over to your place; of course you are always welcomed to my abode,thanks Rose i said as I ended the call,I took a cab after a while I reached Rose house.
I ranged the doorbell then Rose opened the door for mei entered the house and I headed towards the parlour;Ariana why are you dressed like this? I guess that's a question that my mom should mean that your mom dressed you this way,of course ;wait,wait,is this what you're wearing to visit Ryan;I'm afraid but yes; I don't know what to do you know how my mom is she's so possessive.
Ariana you can't visit Ryan like this;I'll lend you my clothes,really thank you Rose I replied.
I followed Rose to her bedroom,I can really testify to the fact that Rose has great style;after a while she picked a cute outfit for me,a fitted black jeans coupled with a flying Gucci jacket,u changed into them then a smile formed on my face,this is what we call style I said looking so excited.thanks Rose,you're a life saver.
Rose also borrowed me her fancy earrings and a black hair cap;gosh I look stunning,this is literally the benefit of having a good friend,I threw the cloth my mom gave me away not minding where they landed,i checked the time it was 2:40pm I left Rose house I took a cab and headed to happy restaurant.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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