Last Night

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Disclaimer: begins with Chenford season 1 after Lucy confronts Tim and Isabel's apartment

"Sir, last night..."
"Didn't happen. That clear?" Tim snapped

The night before:

During the hustle and bustle of morning shift Grey solemnly pulled Tim aside and informed him that his Isabel was caught with drug  possession with the charges of intention to sell . Tim knew that she'd be facing 10 to 20 years if she didn't make a deal with the D.A. to become a confidential informant; she'll be out on the street, hoping no one will know she's an ex-cop. Just so she gets to live. At this point of comprehending with the information his boot walked through the door automatically sensing the vibe of depression in the room and just as the dust started to settle a weary eyed Isabel Bradford was escorted out Detective's Wolfe and Vestri's shop. Tim looked up at her eyes filled with disappointment and disapproval even  Lucy noticed the shift as Isabel was being taken in processing and how she attempted to ignore Tim's expressive eyes.

Time skip to when Tim is walking to his car with the drugs he took from Isabel's apartment

Tim knew it was wrong for him and officer of the law to bend that very law all to save his hollowed shell of a wife. As his headlights flashed on the low hum of the engine from the car parked in front of him switch off. To much of his dismay it was his stubborn boot Lucy Chen. Lucy was always attentive in situations like this due to her parents training her for every situation as a therapist's kid ; she knew that Tim would be stupid yet gullible enough to be willing to give his all in his idea of love for his wife. She fiddled with her thumbs, she bounced her leg she did everything to try and pry her mind off of this half hearted attempt to talk some sense into Tim.

And Tim was purely pissed (even though a small part of him was relieved to see her small and timid figure, her light in his darkness) "BOOT," he yelled "What are you doing here!?" Lucy sighed and replied "Clearly saving you from a grave mistake"."That's not your call to make boot. Do I have to remind you who is the superior  officer here" Tim commented "Well clearly if said superior officer is clearly tampering with crucial evidence" Lucy snarking replied back. Tim was speechless he didn't know what to say or do or act, he knew that anger pulsated throughout his body and it was all aimed at his tiny ray of sunshine, his boot the one who he should be training and reprimanding for making mistakes like this not vice versa.
"You'll regret helping her," Lucy started again her voice relaxed with sympathy, "because it's not going to change her but it'll sure as hell change you."
He absolutely hated her in this moment. He hated how right she was. He hated how she cared for him even though he's an ass to her. He hated how she could make him feel so wrong about his own choices and actions.
With that Lucy sat in her car again waiting to anticipate Tim's next move. Tim being Tim, he begrudgingly took the drugs back up and stashed it away in its original space perfecting the art in which he was not there. By the time he got back to his car he saw that she wasn't  there and with his head hung low he drove back to his house.

Hours went by and Tim couldn't sleep a wink. Lucy Chen had stained him with her speech and her need to care for him and her loving tendencies to look after him. So Tim did what he does best, face the problem head-on in order to avoid the inevitable which resulted in him driving to Lucy's apartment.

He aggressively knocked on the door and a very angry, tipsy woman greeted him with informal pleasantries
"Why the fuck are you here so early ... have you ever heard of the concept of sleep or wine" Lucy semi-yelled; not willing to let him into her apartment. Tim noticed her defensive posture and barged through her stance almost sending her down to the floor. "Listen here Boot I'll only say this once ... what the fuck were you doing there?!"

Lucy was too stunned to speak. This absolute pain in the ass had come to her house to lecture her for saving his ass

She was fuming "What the hell are you talking about! I saved your sorry ass and you're lecturing me. ME!"

Now even Tim was pissed. He was considering whether confronting a drunk Lucy was in fact the best idea he has ever had. "You had no right practically stalking me."

Lucy was fuming.
Tension and the chemistry between the two hit a peak as she moved closer...

And closer...

And closer until she was perfectly in front of him.

She elevated herself on her tippy toes to give her some height


Lucy Chen his rookie, his boot had just slapped Tim Bradford then and there without thinking.

Tim now was done with her. He could not fathom how such a tiny person had such a good strike. Well that was going to leave a mark.

He grabbed her wrists and pushed her back to the wall so that she had no where to run. No where to escape from his grasp. And sure as hell she tried to break free from him.

His icy blue eyes pierced through her soft honey brown ones.

"Stop fighting me" he began "Stop arguing against me."

"Why would I do that when clearly we're soo good at arguing"

In a split second time encapsulated her lips with his own. Fighting her dominance - a kiss or make out session overpowered with passion anger and lust

Tim broke the kiss with a smug face and said "I'm sure we're good at other things"

With that they disappeared into Lucy's bedroom for the night

Present time

"Sir ... last night" Officer Chen stated

"Didn't happen" he replied edging closer to her

"Not to those who don't matter." he growled in her ear


Lets just say that throughout their shift Lucy got many questionable looks regarding the many marks on her neck (due to Tim giving Lucy many love marks as a payback of her slap) and Tim had a mild bruise on his cheek

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