3 weeks ago

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The aftermath of early season 1 Chenford: when Tim punishes Lucy but having her beat up a guy with drugs. Moment before he sees Isabel again


"Search him Boot" Tim called out at Lucy. Hearing this she slightly jumped; ever since arriving here she had this unusual, unsettling feeling in her gut that something would go wrong. Lucy looked at him puzzled while Tim's gaze was fixed on Ghost-Head , Ghost-Head's eyes drifted to look at Lucy. She sighed while rolling her eyes and sucked up her courage "Turn around and grab the wall." 

"Make me" Ghost-Head told her "Boot". Begrudgingly Lucy looked him up and down. She made her way to grab his shirt but he tossed her hand away and went for the punch expecting his fist to connect with her face luckily Lucy served just in time to avoid that pain. He went in for the second punch Lucy cleverly blocked it with the wide stance of her forearms but much to her dismay Ghost-Head used her tactical disadvantage to his advantage and grabbed her neck forcefully . Completely relying on his body weight to push her against the wall.

During this Tim stood there, watching as if he were in the cinema enjoying the action of a movie.

In an attempt to grab Lucy's gun she ever so slightly moved giving her enough space to slightly shake him off of her. Unfortunately for her Ghost-Head's fist made direct cintact with her lower abdomen continuously aiming there. 

Tim's smug expressing changed to a sliver of owrry "Keep your hands up, Chen," he yelled, "Don't let him get on-top of you." 

Lucy had had it by then she slammed her head to hit his, throwing Ghost-Head off of his game then eventually his balance. "You're under arrrest," she began now with her attention facing her training officer "That was my punishment!" 

"Yep, plus i got to see if you could handle yourself  so it's really a twofer" 

Time skip to when they arein the car after talking to Isabel and letting Ghost-Head go 

"I won't tell anyone" Lucy said her voiced filled with sympathy 

"You're damn right you won't" he replied 

After 2 minutes of silence the reality of the previous situation sunk in. She was punched repeatedly in the abdomen, near her womb. Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest as her ears began to fill with the muffled sound of her heart. "Sir," she said timidly "we need to go to the hospital." 

"Why Boot" he replied clearly still hung up on his latest interaction with his wife 

"Because I said so!" she snapped. this got his attention, he turned to face her and began "Watch who you're talking to Boot" he roared. she couldn't mess this up she needed to get to the hospital without any suspicion "Sorry but we are being dispatched to Shaw Memorial Hospital  due to an anonymous tip stating that a child was left abandoned." 

He rolled his eyes and started the engine leisurely driving to the hospital. Lucy was practically bouncing up and down keeping her hand placed on her stomach at all times. Tim picked up on this and shrugged it of, after all she was just beat up but a junkie. "Boot if you're lying to me about there being a baby and you only want to get yourself checked out be warned that this will become a daily event." Tim bluntly said as he parked the car. "Of course not sir" Lucy replied her voice barely there 

Nonetheless Tim lead the way to the emergency room expecting Lucy to follow him behind. But as he turned to get her to tell the nurse the information he saw that she was not there but in the opposite direction awaiting the lift, "Boot where are you going?" he yelled across the hallway "To the OB floor" she replied with clear certainty. 

The whole ride was quiet as Tim was focused on the task at hand while Lucy was pulling up the details of her emergency appointment with her O.B

Lucy walked with urge in each step to the reception where she quickly told the nurse "Emergency appointment for Officer Lucy Chen" she finished her sentence just in time as Tim joined her. The nurse simply told them to sit down and wait. Tim was puzzled how could a nurse tell an officer of the law to wait to collect an abandoned baby, it's not hard he thought just get the kid and give it to us. 

"Officer Chen , the doctor will see you now" she got up hoping that Tim would stay but it was his turn to follow her. Her teeth jittered as she was escorted into a private room and her O.B stated that she had to raise her shirt to apply the gel. 

Tim was confused. Where was the baby. Why is Lucy not asking this does he really have to do anything "Boot where is the baby" Lucy simply ignored him as the doctor put the ultrasound probe on her belly looking for the baby 

"There they are ... all healthy with no complications" Lucy's O.B told her and went to print off physical copies of the photo.

Lucy let out a big sigh and faced Tim studying his face hoping that he would figure it out. But men being men could not interpret it. "There's the baby" Lucy said while pointing at the screen with one hand and holding the probe in another hand.

Everything finally clicked. His boot was pregnant. 

"What, when, why how?" Tim asked letting down his macho facade 

Lucy simply explained to him that as a result of her punishment the guy repeatedly punched her stomach and that  3 weeks ago after her graduation from the academy she went to a bar where she met a guy and got totally wasted; one thing lead to another and well you know the gist of it. finally ending her story with the fact that just before starting this job a pregnancy test or three gave her the result of being positive 

"Why didn't you tell me" 

"You said no personal talk in the shop" 

"You could have avoided that" 

"What difference would it have made" 

Time suddenly stopped around Tim as he recalled having a one night stand around the same time as Lucy's. 

He had a one-night-stand with his rookie 

and she's pregnant. 

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