Chapter 24

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"UNNIEEEEE" Hyein yells out to her sister at the airport. Minji runs across the other people, barely dodging the other passengers to engulf her little sister in a big bear hug. Taehyung was behind Hyein and joined them in their embrace, the siblings smiled and laughed at each other, soaking in each other's presence. It's been too long since they've seen each other.

"Minji" Their father says to her seriously. She turns her attention to their parents and froze. It's been a while since she saw her parents, she forgot how much their presence affects her. She feels their eyes scanning her up and down, she waits for them to say their complaints about her, she's used to that.

"It's good to see you, Dear" She hears her mother say, she looks at her father and mother and bows to them.

"It's good to see you guys too." she tells them respectfully. Her attention is caught by Hyein holding her hands and Taehyung putting his arms around her shoulders, and they make their way to their Uncle and Joon on the side. They do their greetings to each other and make their way towards their car.

Hyein, Minji, and Taehyung ride with Joon in his car. He decides to drive his car today to make a good impression on Minji's parents, it's his first time meeting them and also to give the siblings a more comfortable way to catch up with each other. The ride to the house in Joon's car was chaotic, as the siblings bickered and joked around each other.

"Are you guys always this loud?" Joon says jokingly towards Hyein and Minji

"Always" he hears Taehyung say and all four laugh in the car. The ride was cut short as they arrived at Jin's house. They pull up and start taking their luggage out the trunk as Jin's car pulls up behind them. They make their way to the door and are greeted by the aroma that has filled the house. Jin has hired a chef to cook for their first night, to appease Minji's parent's taste.

Hyein scrambles her way to the door, looking at the decoration all over the house. She spots a picture of her, Taehyung and Minji on the wall and smiles. Beside it is a picture of Minji, Hanni and Yunjin in their soccer and cheerleading uniform, they all were decorated with medals and holding onto a big trophy. She scans her surroundings again and sees across the room is a space for all of Minji's awards, she looks through them and sees that her sister has joined not only the soccer team but also is part of the National Honor Society at school, she looks around again and she sees a debate medal with Minji's name on it.

Hyein laughs and points at the medal, Minji makes her way towards her sister and groans.

"Jin-oppa said he was going to put these away before you guys got here" Minji says as she tries to shield Hyein away from the other awards that are out on display.

"I thought you hated debate" Hyein says as she peers through the awards some more.

"I do, I needed it for my grade but it has also helped me out when I try to talk some sense into Yunjin" Minji says to Hyein, her little sister laughs and it catches their parent's attention on them, they had just walked in the door.

"What are you guys looking at?" their mother asks as she makes her way towards her daughters. She looks at what Hyein is looking at and what Minji is desperately trying to hide. She looks at her oldest daughter and Minji moves away for her mother to see. Their father joins their mother at her side and the two girls stand on the sidelines, awkwardly looking at their parents.

Minji watches as her parents look at her awards and accolades. She wasn't a bad student when she was in Korea, she just didn't put any extra effort. As long as she passed and her parents were happy and left her alone, she was content. She didn't have the same energy she did when she was in Korea, she felt mentally exhausted with her parent's constant hounding. Her parents turn their gaze towards her and motions for her to stand in front of them. Minji gulps, she doesn't know what she's expecting her parents to say to her right now. Are they going to be upset because it's not up to their standards? Are the awards not good enough? Did she not get enough? This is why she wanted her Uncle to hide them because she was afraid of what they were going to say to her.

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