Chapter 2 - Claire Rose

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I walk into the huge building the next day for my first day of class.

I wonder how it will be after everything that went down yesterday.

I walk down the hallway and you guessed it.

I bumped into someone


"I am so sorry omg are you alright? I say.

I look to see a pretty jet black haired girl. Her hair is so straight I find myself admiring it and envying it, I had wavy hair and I was never really proud of it.

My sister on the other hand has perfect blonde straight hair and blue eyes. She has a perfect body and I felt out of place next to her.

You're probably asking how we are sisters since we have opposite features. I have brown hair and brown eyes. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. As you guessed, which you probably didnt, Im adopted. Both of my parents are dead. But Im over it by now and look for the beautiful things in life.

Lets get back to whats happening now shall we.

"Oh my gosh no its totally my fault are you okay?" She says

She has so much confidence in her voice which matches her look exactly. I cant help but feel even more jealousy. Shes perfect.

"Im okay, whats your name?" I ask, wanting to make another new friend.

"Jessica" she replies, "whats yours?"

"Claire is mine, Jessica, thats a pretty name"

"Why thank you Claire." She smiles at me with her pearly white perfect teeth

I smile back

"Hey Claire!" I hear a voice behind me

I turn around and see the girl from yesterday, we made up and got some coffee together, I learned that her name is Hailey.

"Hey Hailey!" I say back

"Whos your friend?" She asks

"Im Jessica."

"Im Hailey, obviously."

She has sarcasm in her voice again, I learned that about her, she is very sarcastic.

"Whats your guys's first class?" I ask

"English" Hailey says

"No way me too?!" Jessica says

I check my schedule to see that I also have English

I guess fate just has its way with me.

"Me too" I say, smiling.

We all walk to class together and guess what I do.

Bump into someone.


Although this one is familiar.

I look up and see the same black haired boy from yesterday

"Oh, its you." I say.

"Looks like you found out." He says looking over at Hailey.

"Whatever, you were right, so what? I dont need him."

"I was right." He repeats what I said

I roll my eyes at him and walk away with Hailey and Jessica.

"No way, you know Aiden?!" Jessica questions me.

"I dont know him I bumped into him yesterday and hes been really annoying."

"Girl he like never talks to like anyone. Every girl has a crush on him and he rejects like all of them. His name is Aiden Hart which is pretty ironic because he clearly doesnt have one."

"He seems like a nobody to me" I say

"Whatever you say girlie." Jessica says

"Um hello Im here too." Hailey reminds us.

"Dont worry we didnt forget you" I laugh. and find that we're right in front of the classroom.

We walk in and take seats in the back and woah. This place is so so so pretty. Im mesmerized.

I grab out my notebook and get ready to take notes.

Hailey grabs out some snacks and Jessica brings out some lipstick and starts applying it on herself.

Wow. I guess we all are different.


*Bell Rings*

We all walk out of the classroom and part ways to go to our second class.

I have math next period.

I make my way over to the math class and walk inside. I sit down in the middle this time. There is this boy that appears next to me and looks like hes going to say something.

"Can I sit here? The rest of the seats are taken."

"Sure" I say, giving him a warm smile.

He smiles back and sits down.

"Whats a pretty girl like you's name?" He asks me

"My name is Claire. What about you?"

"Paul." He says

"Well nice to meet you Paul."

"Nice to meet you too Claire"

We both laugh.

We spend the majority of the period laughing with each other and before we know it, the class was over.

We get up and bid our goodbyes then walk out.

I smile at him before I walk away.

I walk past Aiden and just ignore him when I do.

He doesnt deserve my attention anyways and I'll never give it to him.

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