Chapter 8 - Claire Rose

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I have no words for what just happened.

He just kissed me.

And it felt good.

But hes an asshole. He had insulted me right after which brought me back to the reality that he is not a good person.

I was so done with him. I was going to stay away from him now if it took everything in me.


My next class was history. Today was my first day of it so I didnt really know what to expect.

I walk in the classroom and see Adams familiar smiling face. I smile at him and he notices me right away and waves me over.

"Hey Claire."

"Hey Adam"

We both smile at each other for a couple seconds until one of us speaks up.

God, we look like a elementary school couple

"Do you like history?" I ask him

"No not really, but I think your pretty face would make it better."

"You're so nice" I say, grinning.

We continue talking and laughing and from the corner of my eye I see Aiden sitting in the corner looking directly at me, not even trying to hide it.

For some reason I have a urge to irritate him, so I start playing with the collar of Adams shirt and he looks at me with something different in his eyes, more darker, less kind, more..  lustful

I realize what Ive done and immediately put my hands off him. I look over at Aiden again and see his jaw clenched. His eyes unreadable.


The rest of the period was awkward and I walked out as fast as I can. 

I go find Hailey in the hallways, finally.

"Oh my god, I couldn't find you all day." I say, sighing.

"Sorry, food cant wait." She replies, her mouth full of course

"We need Jessica, now. I need to spill stuff."

"IM HEREEEEE!!" Jessica screams from behind running up to us.

"I dont feel like going to class the rest of the day lets go to my dorm?" I ask

"YES!" Jessica says at the same time Hailey asks

"Do you have food?"

"Yes I do Hailey" I say, playfully rolling my eyes.


We're currently sitting in my room with a LOT of food. Courtesy of Hailey.

I explain to them everything that has happened lately and Jessica squeals.

"OH. MY. GOD. HES TOTALLY INTO YOU GIRLIEEEEEEE" she breaks my eardrums and starts shaking me

Hailey says, "I dont really worry about men, foods before dudes."

"You're so boring, how do so many guys even like you Hailey" Jessica playfully says.

"Because im not dull like you Jessica"   
Hailey says with much more sarcasm

Just then the doorbell rings. Im confused but still go over to it. I open the door and see a box. I forget that my uniform for my new cleaner job arrived. I totally should tell the girls about that too.

I walk back into the room with the box and explain my situation to them. We all gather around to open the box and see my uniform. Its a short black skirt and a short sleeve white shirt with a V-line on the front part and the school logo on it.

"Woah." Jessica says "This will make you look HOT"

"Oh my god Jessica" I say, but I cant help but laugh at her comment, I swear we are all so different for eachother but that makes it even more fun.

We all sit back down and I tell them about Adam.

"Ew." Jessica says "I know him, hes an asshole, dont get involved with him, trust me girlie."

Thats the same thing Aiden told me

Mabye he was right?

Why am I always thinking about him.

Snap out of it Claire.

"I see, alright then thanks for telling me" I smile at her

"Of courseee I always got your back, yours too I guess Hailey." Jessica says playfully.

"Well I always got both of your backs, not I guess" Hailey replies, confidently

Both of these girls ive known for a short amount of time and we're already inseparable. Fate is real.


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