Six - Change

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Killer pressed the bell of Nightmare and Dream's house a million times until Dream opened the door, his expression seemingly more relaxed since the call. "Thank God, you're here.", he mutters before turning around and walking further into the house. Killer followed behind, Horror seemed a bit hesitant about everything, not really understanding what was happening since Killer hadn't told him.

They got to a big living room, Nightmare was sitting on the L-shaped couch while Cross seemed to be passed out while lying down. "What the shit happened..?", Horror asked wide-eyed while taking his jacket off, throwing it at one of the fancy armchairs. Dream bit his nail again, nervously looking around; "I.. I'm not sure how to explain-", "You shouldn't be here.", Nightmare interrupts quickly while glancing up at Killer and Horror, frowning slightly.

Killer couldn't help but stare at Nightmare's once pale face now stained with dried blood. He gulped and walked over to Nightmare, kneeling in front of him; "What happened? Why are you.. Are you hurt?". Nightmare only sighs, not being able to keep acting all angry with Killer. "I'm okay, the blood isn't mine.. I think.", he "assures" Killer apologetically.

Dream chuckles anxiously, staring at the stairs. Their father was still here, just upstairs in his room probably screaming at one of his friends through the phone about Dream being dating a man. Horror was starting to slowly understand what was happening, quickly looking at Dream; "Who did that?", he asks. Dream only looks down and hums before saying, "Father.".

It was enough to silence everything on the living room, Killer's soothing mutters to Nightmare being the only sound to be heard. Horror frowned, gulping; he had never had parents, or he doesn't remember having, but he always thought that they were supposed to protect their children, not hit them or hurt who they love. How did this happen..?

Dream walked to the couch and gently raised Cross's head, sitting down and placing his head on his laps. "For now we just need to wait, I guess.. I'm only worried that he may come downstairs..", Nightmare quickly looked at Dream when he said that, holding a scoff. "What will he do anyways? He has to maintain status, or else he's a failure to the rest of the workaholic world.".

Killer grinned and sat down by Nightmare's side, glancing at the backyard through the window doors. "Do you remember?", he asks Nightmare quietly, making the other look at him, confused. "Remember what?", he asks before looking out at the backyard with Killer.

When they were young, they had spent a week sleeping out there.. It was the best week of their lives. It had rained half the week and they were so happy just enjoying each other's company at the rain. It was sweet, and no one could give a shit anyways, only Nightmare's mother, who was sick and couldn't convince them that they'd get sick, which they did. But she died before they could say she was right.

Killer chuckled to himself, laying his head on Nightmare's shoulder. "Time flies, right?", he whispers.. Nightmare nods quietly, looking back down at the ground. "The rain's better when I'm with you.", he says with a grin. It was part of the lyrics of a song they made throughout the week they were living in the backyard. Horror didn't waste time to scoff, closing his arms before sitting down on the armchair. "Come on, don't go lovey dovey mode when Cross's dying by your side.", he complains, cleeearly jealous he didn't have anyone to be "lovey dovey" with.

The white pinpricks in Killer's eyes rolled as he looked back at Horror. "He's not waking up so so-", "Cross!", Dream shouts, holding Cross's cheeks as he groans and tries to pull Dream's hands away. "Lemme sleep..", he mutters, making Killer laugh. "Gosh, he was just sleeping!", he says between his giggles. Dream wasn't sure how to take this.. Was he only asleep this whole time? He did look peaceful, but why??

Horror sighed and leaned his back against the armchair, his eyes scanning the living room. "Oh my God, is that a giant cow!?", Horror faked shock in his tone, flatly staring out the backyard. Cross got up so fast he almost hit Dream's chin; "What!?! Where!!?", he glances around desperately, afraid he might get eaten by the giant cow. "Are you stupid..?", Nightmare asks while looking at him with a 'are you kidding me' expression on his face.

Cross takes a while to notice what was happening, immediately glaring at Nightmare before blinking a few times. "Oh, shit.. You're bleeding.", he points out with wide eyes, but seeing as no one reacts, he just notices that everyone already knew. He finally looks at Dream, meeting the nervous and anxious eyes of his boyfriend; "What's wrong..? Why are you like this?", he asks quickly, rubbing his thumb against Dream's cheek, his eyes trying to check for any bruises.

Dream only smiled and chuckled, sinking his head onto Cross's shoulder. "I love you.", he mutters. Cross takes a while to process, his face heating up slowly in the process; "I love you too, Dream.", he whispers quite desperately before hugging his beloved. He could feel the eyes of their friends seemingly hiding the affection.. Well, only Horror and Nightmare. It was quite cliche, but Nightmare didn't like Cross that much, for the exact reason of dating his brother.

Horror groans as he gets up, "All right, you better find something to do to prevent Cross from dying, so hurry up.", he warns Dream, making the other quickly looking at him, thinking about the possibilities. "B-But the thing is-", he stops himself to think, looking down; the thing was that Cross was not his only worry. He knew Nightmare was way "stronger" than him, but he still worried.. it was his brother after all.

"Can't you like.. Stay at someone's house?", Killer suggests, looking up at the ceiling while playfully swinging his legs. Dream hums in thought, "But where?". "I don't know, you guys are rich, just stay at a hotel or something.", Killers answers, glancing at Dream by side-eye. Nightmare butted in, "He'd be able to track us by the money spent, I'm not sure that'd work."; Killer stared at Nightmare, suddenly lost into the way his lilac hair shined against the light of the living room.

"Why doesn't Dream stay at Cross's house while Nightmare stays at Killer's? I'm not telling you to decide with that, but it's an idea. It's the same type of closeness anyways..", he mutters the last phrase, glaring at Nightmare and Killer. Dream nodded hesitantly; he was fine about staying at Cross's, but maybe his brother would be uncomfortable while living with Killer? He had been away a long time anyways.

Nightmare nods after some thinking, surprisingly relaxed. "Sure, sounds great. When he leaves we come back, Dream.", he looks over at his brother, grinning. Dream nods, glad that Nightmare was okay with it; "Alright!", Killer says excitedly before standing up. "Let's get your shit ready!", he yells to Nightmare, running to the stairs; Nightmare chuckles and follows after Killer, smiling.


To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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