See? You're not a kitten.

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Later back at Tugger's place, Misto woke up from a nap, curled up on the pieces of scrap fabric Tugger had collected to put in his den. When he finally rubbed his eyes and was awake enough to register the world around him, he noticed Tugger had left. There was a disappointed drop that filled Misto's stomach. He's willing to ignore the screams his mind is throwing at him as long as he gets to be by Tugger's side. Not wanting to miss Tugger, Misto decided to stay put in his den so that he could be there for Tugger when he returned.
In the meantime, Misto looked up and absorbed the way Tug's den was organized. There wasn't any space that was clean, everything was laid out like it was left while rushing. Misto knew Tugger never rushed and everything was chill with him, so this wasn't entirely accurate. Mistoffelees got up and walked around a bit, soaking in the details of his friend's living space. It was filled with old thimbles and fabric and broken records, but what caught Misto's eyes was the only space that wasn't cluttered. It was the top of a small wooden box that had a thick sheet of dust and a singular paw print. There was no sign of who's paw this belonged to, but Misto is too nervous to ask. Or, maybe he won't be.
Maybe this will be Misto's first step into regaining his independence and working on himself. If he can't trust someone as close to him as Tugger not to lash out at a question, then he'll never get anywhere. Even though he confirmed with himself it'll be okay, he went back down to where he was laying to focus on his breathing so he can be ready for when Tugger comes back home. Misto layed down and counted how long his breaths were and the rising and falling of his tummy. He was able to bring his own sense of calm, even if it was just less intense than it was before.
Soon, Tugger came back, his fur ruffled and a growled smile spread across his face. The first thing he did as he came through the door was look down at Misto, walking up to him and sitting criss-cross to talk to him. "How are you feeling? Any better?" Misto giggled at his care, "Yes, of course, you're always an amazing help." Tugger wiggled where he sat. "Awe, shucks, you know you don't need to flatter me. My ego's big enough!" "It's true, you just know me so well. You make it easy."
Tugger let his eyes tell his story of love and care. Misto darted his eyes in between his friend and the box, looking back at Tugger and sticking with it. "Tugger? If it's not too much, can you tell me about the paw print on your box?" Tugger stood up and walked over to the small box he kept, no swagger to his steps or sway of his hips. Just a straightforward walk. "It's Munkustrap's paw. He's only been to my den once because of how busy he's been. I know he loves me, he's a great brother, and I know I'm just the annoying younger sibling who is better than the other two, obviously." Tugger did a dramatic pose, "But, I miss him. I miss our relationship before he had to start preparing to be the patriarch of the Jellicle tribe.
Misto crawled up to him, standing up and taking Tugger's paw in his own. "And we'll continue to see him. He loves you too, I know it. And, you'll never have to be alone because I'll always be here with you, Tug." Misto took a deep breath, rubbing the top of Tugger's paw with one of his hand beans. "I love you, Tugger." Rum Tum Tugger went in to give Mister Mistoffelees a hug, lifting Misto up just enough to reach his face, kissing him on the lips. Tugger lightly gasped from shock, but swiftly melted into the kiss. Tugger let his hands roam Misto's back, just in awe of this feeling he had for his lifelong friend.
Once they pulled apart, the tuxedo cat's face was no longer white, but a blushy pink. Tugger couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable Misto was, peering up at him while gripping to his chest fur. "I'm proud of you, ya know that?" Misto tilted his head in a confused manner. "I- didn't do anything?" "You told me you loved me and gave me the best kiss I ever had. The Misto I knew before the Jellicle Ball this year would never have the courage to do that. You're not a scary kitten at all, you're a confident cat. This is your proof.'' Misto let glimmers take over his eyes. He really did do it, and he didn't feel threatened or in harm's way at all. He really did grow up!
"Yes, and with that. Would you, Rum Tum Tugger, like to be my boyfriend?" With a flick of his wrist, he made a bouquet of flowers appear, following up with a gentle blow from his lips, wafting out glitter onto the pedals. Tugger took one of the flowers and pushed the stem behind Misto's ear. "Who could say no to that adorable face? Of course, hun."
They leaned back in for another kiss, letting the day fade away out the window as they enjoyed the mere presents of one another. This was the last day of before and the first day of after for this newly found couple. So many years of history meet so many more of closure and satisfaction. Nothing could break the wall that Mister Mistoffelees had built himself of bravery that night and no one could rebuild the wall that the Rum Tum Tugger took down letting Misto in. There was only the brick and mortar that surrounded them, keeping them together.

What's Wrong With Me? (Tugstoffelees) Cats the MusicalWhere stories live. Discover now