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September 1st, 2020

"Ma! Pa! I'm heading off to school!" Sooyun yelled. Her mother rushed out, "Don't forget your lunch!" She said. "Oh right! Thank you." Sooyun said, grabbing her lunch box off of the counter. "Grab Yujins as well, take it to her job when you get the chance." Her mom added. Sooyun nodded.

She grabbed her sisters lunch box and rushed outside. She put the lunchboxes on the handles of her bike and began to bike to Yujins job.

She put on her headphones and turned on her music. She peacefully biked down the street and got completely sidetracked while scrolling for a new song.

She looked up and saw a boy around her age crossing the street. Panicked, she swerved to the right and crashed into the curb. The food fell out of the lunch boxes and onto her jacket. She whimpered as she looked down at her bleeding knee.

The boy rushed over and helped pick up the food, "Sorry." He said softly. Sooyun looked up at him and felt as if time had just stopped. She stared at him with her lips parted. "Are you okay?" The boy asked. Sooyun cleared her throat, "I'm okay. Are you? I almost hit you." She said.

"Your jacket," The boy said. Sooyun mentally sighed when she realized the food spilled on her and she took off her jacket. "It's cold out. You can wear mine." The boy said. Sooyun looked at his jacket, "You go to my school. You were going in the wrong direction." She said.

"Was I?" The boy scratched the back of his neck and looked at his GPS. "Are you new..." Sooyun read his ID badge, "Nishumera Riki? Are you an exchange student?" She asked. He nodded, "It's Niki." "Did they spell your name wrong?" Sooyun asked. The boy shook his head, "It's just Niki."

Sooyun sighed and looked at her knee. Niki looked as well. He got up and got on his bike, riding off. Sooyun sighed and got up, grunting in pain. She sat back down and pulled out her phone to call her sister, Yujin.

She called her but as expected, she got no answer. Sooyun sighed and stood back up. "You got this Sooyun." She thought out loud.

Niki rushed back with a bag of medicine. Sooyun looked at him in surprise. He handed her the bag and picked up her bike, putting the kick stand down. "Thank you." Sooyun said. Niki just nodded.

He sat next to her on the sidewalk and pulled out the medicine to clean her wound. He put the medicine on a cotton swab and gently cleaned her knee. Sooyun winced and Niki looked at her. "Sorry." He said softly. He put a band-aid on her knee and got up. "Let me show you how to get to school, it's the least I could do." Sooyun said. Niki nodded.

"You don't talk much, do you?" She asked. Niki hummed. "That'll make people think you're unapproachable. I can tell that you're a kind person, but others might not notice. I'm Sooyun by the way. I'm in Class 2, grade 9." Sooyun said. Niki nodded.

"What class are you in?" Sooyun asked. "One." Niki replied. "You're a foreign exchange student yet you're already in an advanced class, I envy you." Sooyun said. Niki nodded. "What's your strongest subject?" Sooyun asked. "Uhm... Math." He replied softly. "I suck at math! I'm better in science. Are you good at science as well?" Sooyun asked. Niki looked down and shook his head sadly.

"Don't be sad about it." Sooyun said. Niki hummed. "We're here!" Sooyun smiled, "We can bike to school everyday if you'd like." Niki paused for a moment before nodding. Sooyun smiled even wider, "Come on!" Niki nodded again and followed her.

"This is class 1!" Sooyun said. Niki looked at her, "Thank you." He spoke so softly it was nearly inaudible. "No problem! Anytime you get lost just let me know, yeah?" Sooyun said. Niki nodded and walked into the classroom.

Sooyun smiled, "he's so attractive." "Attractive indeed." Said her friend, Danielle, "Who is he?" "I ran into him on my way to school. I had fallen off of my bike and he helped me." Sooyun replied. "Is that his jacket?" Danielle asked. Sooyun nodded. "Ri-ki," Danielle read out loud, "Japanese?"

"Yes, and he said it's Niki. I thought it was a misspelling but he said it wasn't, he just prefers Niki." Sooyun replied. "Ah okay." Danielle nodded. "Come on, let's go to class." Sooyun said. Danielle locked their arms together and they skipped to class.

"I can't believe I have to eat this horrible school lunch." Sooyun whined. "It's just one day girl." Danielle said, "And it's not that bad. It's better than... taco Tuesday. I swear the tacos move." Sooyun made a disgusted expression and sat across from her.

Danielle checked her phone and her eyes widened, "I forgot I have to go to Mr. Lee to makeup a test! I'll eat lunch with you tomorrow!" She grabbed her book bag and threw her lunch away before running out of the lunch room. Sooyun pouted and played with her lunch.

Niki sat across from her and cleared his throat to make himself noticeable. Sooyun looked up and smiled immediately. "Ri- Niki! Hi!" She said. Niki handed her half of his sandwich and some fruit.

"Oh no it's okay I-" "Take it." Niki said, in the same soft tone. "Are you sure?" Sooyun asked. Niki nodded and ate his sandwich silently. Sooyun smiled, "Thank you." Niki nodded again. "Do you like the school so far?" Sooyun asked. Niki was about to nod but he chose to answer, "It's nice." He replied in a less soft tone.

Sooyun smiled, "You're talking more, does that mean you feel comfortable? Does this make us friends? Am I talking too much? Am I asking too many questions?" Sooyun asked. "You're fine." Niki assured. Sooyun took a bite of her sandwich and her eyes lit up, "Who made this?" She asked.

Niki pointed to himself and looked down at his fruit. "Do you like to cook?" Sooyun asked. Niki scratched behind his ear and shook his head. Sooyun nodded, "Ah okay, I just assumed because it tastes so good." Niki mentally smiled at the compliment.

"Have you made any friends?" Sooyun asked. Niki hummed. "Who are they?" She asked. Niki looked at her, "...you're my only friend." "Really? I'm honored!" Sooyun smiled. Niki ate another piece of fruit. "If you'd like, you can eat lunch with my friend Dani and I any time." Sooyun said. Niki nodded.

Sooyun pulled out her camera and took a picture. Niki looked at her in confusion. "I like photography. I think you're a great model." Sooyun said, "you don't mind do you?" "It's fine." Niki said, eating another piece of fruit.

'Dear Diary, Today I met a kind boy, Riki- I mean Niki. He helped me when I fell off of my bike today. He's quiet, but I can tell he's a kind person. He's also really cute. He also agreed to be my friend! I'm his only friend at that.

September 1, 2020 - Sooyun ''

September 1, 2020 - Sooyun '❧'

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