55 lakhs??[06]

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Previous chapter

I walked in it was so dark but suddenly everything got vanish with a sudden fog which occurred from nowhere...

Wait am i getting kidnapped????


Present chapter

My head started to pain before i could try to run my eyes got blurry
And soon my body stopped supporting me and my eyes went heavy and fell down on the ground I saw some foots but it was late......


"Good everything is going as our plan"
A man spoke

"Yes boss...after that girl..who should I bring??"another man asked...

"Bring the girl who was brought from the alley just 2 hours ago"boss replied

The man noded his head and went in as the boss went in the opposite direction....

Aahana's pov :-

I woke up with a huge headache...i can't see or move as my eyes were covered and my hands and legs were tied....

When I heard door opening sound....

"So you are awake that's good"a man spoke and soon I felt his hands on my leg he untied my leg I tried to kick him but he was so fast enough to catch my leg...

"Not gonna work"he said
"You better don't try to be over smart just do as I say "

I noded my head

"Stand up"

I stood and he held my shoulder and guided me out we walked past some places and that's when I felt the cold breeze touch my exposed body

I could feel i wore just a small piece of clothes which barely covered my private parts

"There's steps be careful"the man said

I took my next steps carefully soon the steps were finished and i stepped on
Wooden floor.....I heard a lot of whispers and all were of man's i couldn't hear anything clearly....

They made me sit on a chair and later it was pin drop silence....

"She is fresh....so I will be starting with 30 lakhs...you can start now"a man spoke

Wait what does he mean am i being sold for 30lakhs??shit....nooo.....please god not this one please...Luca where are you i promise I will never run away please save me.....

"32 lakhs"one man said from the crowd

"32 lakhs one time"

"35 lakhs"another one spoke

"35 lakhs one time "

Again it continued but nobody stoped just the price was increasing....the cloth on my eyes were completely wet due to my crying

"50 lakhs two time"

"55 lakhs" I have heard this voice he is here to save me...my love is here....

"55 lakhs one time"

"55 lakhs two time"

"55 lakhs third...."his words were cut of by.....

"Who the hell tried to sell my girl"
This voice send shiver down my Spain I could hear every one's gasp

"King?"the man beside me spoke

He is finally here the one who i lastly expected to be Luca is here.....

I stoped crying I knew he would be here thank you God......

"Intresting I think I let you guys so free that you guys dared to sell my bride"Luca said

From his voice I know that he is hella angry don't know on what??is it on me because I ran away or is it because of them kidnapping me and selling me but what i know is he is so angry...

"King....i-it w-wa-was not in-inten-tional.. pl-pl-please spare u-us..."and after that there was a pin drop silence....

I tried my best to hear something but couldn't hear anything not even anyone's breath....That's when I felt someone near me...

My hands were tied till now.... when suddenly two strong arms lifted me to their embrace...it was warmth and secure....I just wish to stay there....

I could feel that the person carrying me is moving and with no doubt it is my would be husband Luca....

I just stayed and let him do whatever he wanted as i don't want to make him more angered....

When suddenly a could breeze touched my body sending shivers allover....

I heard a door opening sound I think we reached the car...He sat with me on his laps....and again i heard the door being shut....

My heart started to beat loudly as I know now I am gonna face the monster....and honestly I am sacred to death...

And why not firstly I ran away the night before our wedding and later got kidnapped and was about to be sold and now I am at the lions cage from which i ran away from....

There was pin drop silence only my fast breathing could be heard...

I felt his hand on my back head....shit noo he is removing the dress tied on my eyes...no...no...no... don't i don't want to see him..is he gonna beat me or gonna kill me... please god save your child....

My eyes were freed but i didn't dare to open it

His hands started to roam all over my body...I was shocked and suddenly opened my eyes to see the most beautiful eyes....

I looked into his eyes it was no longer angry but now it was filled with love and lust....

He was looking at me from top to bottom that's when I looked at myself....

I was just in two pieces of dress which covered me so rarely...He was looking at me so shamelessly..

I punched on his chest which I am damm sure he felt like a mosquito.....

He laughed lightly not gonna lie his smile is so cute...I think he should laugh more offen wait no he shouldn't what if any other girl approaches him

Wait am i being jealous..i was still possessing what i thought about...I looked at him and it was clear he was loosing his dam control as his eyes roamed all over me...

"Why principessa...why did you run away..."he asked while still checking me out...

"I...i..."shit god damm why can't I speak why the hell am I shuttering....

"Indeed you look so gorgeous principessa but cupcake you deserve punishment don't you think"he asked looking deep into my soul...

I absorbed our position I was on his lap I was about to get up when he held my waist and pulled me to his chest...

His one hand was on my neck whereas the other was on my cheek...

"Wrong move cupcake".....

"Shit not again I was just a step behind to make her as mine but that duffer came from nowhere and took my girl from me....GET READY MR. ABATANTUONO I am coming to take her....

"Try your best but I will not loose I will take my revenge....and you are gonna regret for your past deeds and about her it was a game at starting but now I am obsessed and I am not gonna let her go...With the help of her I am gonna take my revenge GET READY
MR.AGARWAL your death is chasing you


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