Chapter 13-Worries.

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"so...this is your place.."

I nervously chuckled, rubbing my head with the back of my hand.

" hehe..yeah it's not the nicest place. Sorry I just haven't been here in..ages and alot happened before i..ahem, left this place."

I fiddled with my fingers, avoiding as much contact as possible. I was overwhelmed by the deafening silence between the two of us when I finally felt her warmth drifting off of me. She had let go of my arm, walking forward, inspecting the area with her back turned to me. I was scared stiff by what she was going to say that I unconsciously started clawing at my wrists, reopening past scabs, feeling the warm crimson liquid staining my fingers.

She slowly turned around with an expression I couldn't quite read.

"It's fine, place is worst, and I get if you were in a rush, but why are there so many bandages...?"

"O-oh that!" i stuttered turning a bright shade of red "i got...bullied in school so i er...i guess that's why"

She looked up at me with a little frown plastered on her pale face, her sunken eyes finally popping out staring at me, a gloss of tears shielding her eyes, glistening from the moonlight pouring in through the window. She slowly crept towards me cradling my hands in hers.

"I'm so sorry Haru, I hope your okay now..."

she buried her head in my chest i put my hand on her back gently rubbing it soothingly, we stayed in the comfort of each others brace before i let go.

" ah im sorry, er-uh why don't you sit on my bed i'll bandage you up"

She stared at me before realising what i just said and let go

" a-ah okay, thankyou"

She sat on the bed, staring out the window in silence, swaying her legs side to side, the moonlight glistened on her face, enhancing her features even more.

It outlined her sharp jaw and nose, her green emerald eyes illuminated the room, her glossy plump pink lips looked so....kissable. WAIT WHAT, WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING ARGHH, HARU FOCUS JUST GET THE GODDAMN BANDAGES, i violently shook my head, clearing my mind from her trance. I opened the cabinet which was smeared in bloody fingerprints, thankfully a box of bandages just barely had enough, i took it out and started un-wrapping it making my way towards the bed, i kneeled down tearing the bandage with my teeth, Namara carefully pulled up her jeans revealing the deep cut, my heart ached looking at it,i cleaned it with an antibacterial wipe, she winced in pain so i quickly wrapped bandages around her leg.I repeated this with her arms and the rest of the cuts.

She sat clawing the covers for a while with her eyes shut before she finally breathed out with a calm expression, "thanks Haru...i owe you" she held her hand close to her chest breathing in and out for a while. I put the bandages and wipes back drawing the curtains forward and lighting a candle, i set it on the bedside table seating myself next to her but still keeping a comfortable distance, i leaned backwards tilting my head up smoothing out my hair with a soft swipe letting out a breath, i stayed staring up at the ceiling with my eyes shut, it was complete and utter silence, the only sounds you heard were the heart beats of me and Namara, and mine; personally, was so loud, i'd never been this physically close with a female apart from my mum, i experienced this feeling with Haruka when she got close to me but not as much as now..even though she was more physical, do this?

I shaked the thought out my head and turned to face Namara who was already staring at me, the thoughts returned to me again and i sat there, mouth agape taking in her beauty, her brunette hair dangled all the way down to her waist in a loose ponytail, some strands poked out the front framing her already perfect face beautifully, she was sitting in a position that made her breasts pop out, the collar of her shirt was unbuttoned at the top and it was sliding off her shoulders, it was too big for her, but it looked really cute...her thighs were pressed together,they were so big and looked so comfy oh my god..! her eyes were wide open, probably embarrassed that i caught her staring, thing is, so am i, but im not letting her think that.

I started chuckling quietly under my breath and her eyes widened even more, pouting as she huffed crossing her arms. "-aaahh~...what exactly were you staring at, hmmm...?" I put one leg on the bed and positioned myself leaning on it, staring at her with my head slightly tilted and a tiny smirk plastered on, man I looked confident!...but i wasnt oh my god am i doing this right ive seen it in movies this is probably so fucking cliche omg kill me.

"S-shut up, it was nothing!" she turned the other way and i caught hold of her face turning it towards me, she stared at me with a shocked expression, her breathing was ragged, her chest heaved up and down slowly as i caught a whip of her breath on my face, i could hear her heart thumping out her chest, was she scared? But i'm glad it was, it was loud enough to cover my own, i may look boldly right now but im terrified out my mind, i have no idea what's going on, my body just seemed to act up on its own...whatever was to come next wasnt me thinking, it was my heart acting.

" That's not very nice considering I just let you in, and treated your wounds, hmmm~?"

I put my hand on her thigh closest to me and started drawing circles with my finger on it, slowly stroking her thigh I started to crawl my finger closer to her inner thigh, making her breath jumpy, she scrunched her eyes up and started biting on her lip, she would often straighten her back suddenly or her thighs would tremble. My hand soon started to feel warm and soft... why? She slowly opened her eyes, hooded and lusty, I caught her face flushed red, she tried to say something but every time she opened her mouth she'd gasp and let out a low moan right under her breath. Fuck. Why did that sound so fucking hot, and her Dick really hurts right now. Goddamnit! What the fuck?! Her expressions are making me so hard and fucking horny. Man I've never felt this aroused from a simple gesture, how is she not turned on?...or is that soft warm stuff her...oh god.

She opened her eyes again and I gestured at my dick which was quite clearly bulging out my pants, god this is embarrassing. she stared at it for while before grabbing at my thighs and hauling herself towards me, there was a cm gap between our faces and without even a second thought she closed that gap by lunging towards me and kissing my lips so passionately, I held her waist tightly pressing against her body, parting our lips from time to time I slipped my tongue in her mouth licking every sweet. She grabbed my hair and started tugging at it, making me let out a low moan in her mouth. She instantly started digging her nails in my scalp deeper, rubbing against me in sync, our bodys in harmony, fitting each other perfectly. I climbed on top of her, laying her down on the bed and attacked her neck, biting it softly, holding her arms up, she squirmed, I looked up at her to see her eyes staring at me lustily and a pink blush tinted on her cheeks, she was sweating, it only made me hornier, I started sucking on her neck leaving love marks, growling into her skin, she let out soft low moans, heaving her chest up and down. We went at it for quite a bit until I got too tired and fell asleep, with my head in her chest and her hand stroking my head.

We both fell asleep instantly from how tired we were. It was so good... almost too good that I forgot all about Haruka.

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