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Marie-Madeleine listened happily to Simone as she talked about her family in Algeria and how she was going to become a teacher there once she had gotten her diploma.

Michele asked some questions, whilst pulling down the hem of her shorts. Whilst Michele's shorts were approaching a bad length, Marie's were downright scandalous as she had not checked before taking the old pair of navy shorts that matched the fitted shirt.

"My bruise is now yellow and green with purple spots. It's horrible!" Simone complained, tugging the shorts to cover her thought insecurely.

"Mine are far too short, I won't be able to move without one of you stood behind me." Marie whispered, growing nervous as the boys of their class entered the once empty hall.

As Annick entered there were whistles from the boys and the whistling continued as their eyes moved to Marie, Michele and Simone.

"A rope?" Annick was shocked.

The gym teacher initially had forgotten the girls existence entirely and not paid any attention to them as he sorted the boys into teams. But then, when questioned told the girls to go and climb a rope that hung close to the bleachers of the gym.

"They get handball, and we get this?" Simone agreed.

Annick promptly began to climb the rope as the other three girls stood at the bottom on the mats and held it firm for her. Marie looked off to the side of the hall in a trance and noticed Jean-Pierre stood there, looking rather frantic.

"I think your brother needs you." Marie told Michele and watched the girl run off to the side.

A few moments had passed and Marie noticed the pair seemed to be arguing.

I wonder when his hearing is, thought Marie-Madeleine. Truly the blonde girl hoped Jean-Pierre would get to stay at the school.

"Stay here, Simone. I'll be right back." Marie told her and then ran off to the side just as Michele left Jean-Pierre to go into the boy's changing room.

"Thank you, again." Jean-Pierre handed back the compact fine tooth comb to Marie and she took it, her fingers brushing against the large ones of Jean-Pierre.

Slowly and cautiously, Marie reached up to the height of Jean-Pierre and combed the front part of his hair which was dangling unkept.

"Perfect." Marie returned to her shorter height and noticed just how close she was to Jean-Pierre, their chests brushing with each passing breath.

"No, not perfect. My jacket is ruined."

In all honesty, Jean-Pierre did not seem so upset about it as he faintly told Marie, his eyes trailing between hers and her lips.

"I have one spare." Marie thanked her brother for his careless forgetfulness as well as not being able to find him during recess, as now she could help the boy she found herself obsessing over.

Jean-Pierre's eyes snapped up to meet Marie's, filling with relief and shock.

"Well, it's my brother's, but he forgot it and I have it. He clearly won't miss it since he hasn't come to get it yet-" Marie's whispered rant was abruptly put to an end as soft lips touched hers, and confident arms trailed down her back and back up her arms. Marie closed her eyes as she felt pure bliss overcome her, her own hands resting on Jean-Pierre's chest.

Marie started to feel breathless as she smiled into the kiss, causing Jean-Pierre to let out chuckles of relief and the kiss turned into a clanging of teeth as they separated. Marie stared into Jean-Pierre's eyes for just a moment longer before returning to the hall, picking up Jean-Marc's blazer from her bag and taking it to Jean-Pierre who now had Michele next to him, holding a blue blazer that would not match his black suit.

"But I just got it from-" started Michele, even herself knowing that the blazer she had sourced was mismatched and most likely too small by the looks of it.

"Nevermind, just put it back. I have to go."

"Good luck." Said Michele and Marie at the same time, but to Jean-Pierre's back as the boy quickly walked away.

"Oh, I do pray he gets to stay." Begged Michele.

Me too, Marie thought. Me too.

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