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A/N: this one is about your husband cheating on you and you find out....

You and your husband, Jasper, had planned to meet together outside the country for your 5th year anniversary

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You and your husband, Jasper, had planned to meet together outside the country for your 5th year anniversary. "I'm sorry it looks like your husband checked in with someone else 3 days prior." The concierge apologizes. You look at the itemized billing of the hotel booking so far, they order meals for two with roses and jewelry for women. You wondered do you confront him or be petty and take his belongings such as his wallet, credit cards, passports and go back home without him?

you decided to confront him... "Can we talk about this baby? The other woman doesn't mean anything to me." Jasper says sweetly.

"It was always you. You're the one I loved all these years." Jasper says, coming close to you, trying to get you back on his side. "The reason why I cheated was I missed you so much when you weren't there." Jasper says, still trying to weasel out of the hole he's dug himself into.

"For 2 years though?" you said trying to remain calm even though you were pissed and ready to rip his face off. "I know I was stupid." Jasper says sighing. "I messed up, and I hate myself." "Please believe me when I say the other woman meant nothing to me." Jasper says, hoping his sweet talk would win you over. "Will you forgive me and come home with me?" Jasper asks, wanting to get back to how things were before.

"I was going home with you regardless to get my sons and leave." You said over all his lies and BS. "So that's it? You're not going to give me another chance?" Jasper exclaims, acting shocked and hurt by how coldly you're treating him. "Look I know I was a total ass to you this whole time, but don't you care about our life together?" Jasper says, trying to guilt you. "We've been married for years. You're not going to leave me for good over one small mistake?" Jasper asks.

"Two fucking years! You had more than another chance to stop Jasper! Who in their right mind wouldn't be pissed?" Jasper is now angry. "Why aren't you looking at all the things we have together? Why can't you forgive me?" Jasper asks. "What about our kids? Am I going to be forced to split our custody?" Jasper asks, using another guilt tactic. "I made a mistake. Aren't you even going to try to see the good in me?" Jasper questions, using a guilt tactic of looking at the positive memories of the past relationship.

"You can see them every weekend and holidays." You said trying to be rational. "That's it?" Jasper asks. "I want to be with my kids every day. Not just on weekends and holidays." Jasper says, trying to win you back. "Am I seriously losing my wife to a stupid mistake?" Jasper ask, now beginning to get desperate and not accept that you'll leave him forever. "Please just forgive me. Give me another chance?" Jasper asks.

"That's your fault." You sighed. "So, you really are going through with divorce?" Jasper asks, realizing that you're serious about leaving him. "Is there nothing I can do to make you love me again?" Jasper asks, going into self-pity mode and hoping you'll change your mind. "What about your vows?" Jasper asks, trying another guilt tactic using the vows. "We made vows to love each other till death do us part." Jasper says in a desperate tone. 

"When why did you cheat?" You asked starting to get even more upset. Jasper freezes, now realizing that his own point is his biggest weakness. "I... I..." Jasper thinks hard to come up with an excuse that might get him out of this. "I was stressed out from work. I needed something to alleviate my stress. I didn't even know her name." Jasper says, grasping at straws. "She offered to be my stress reliever and I accepted." Jasper finally admits.

You huffed not pleased with his answer. Jasper knows he's now in trouble after realizing that his own words are coming back to haunt him. "It was a one-time thing..." Jasper lies. "She made the moves on me." Jasper continues to lie. "I didn't have any emotional connection to her, it didn't mean anything to me." Jasper continues lying. "Please tell me you still love me?" Jasper finally begs, now resorting to trying to use your emotions to his advantage.

"Why are you lying?" you said dissatisfied with his answer and was close to just straight up leaving to blow off steam. Jasper falters, realizing that his only chance now is to come clean. "Because I didn't want to hurt you." Jasper finally admits the truth. "I got drunk one night after a business trip and met Cassy. She made the first move, and after that, we just..." Jasper trails off, knowing how horrible what he did sounds out loud.

You started to feel heartbroken and unconfident in yourself. why does he need to cheat when he has you? why doesn't he love you anymore? Are you ugly to him? are all the thought you had with a gloomy facial expression.

"Baby, don't look like that..." Jasper begs. "It was a mistake. A drunken mistake." Jasper now says, downplaying what he did to make it less worse. "It wasn't like it meant anything to me." Jasper continues trying to convince you that he didn't care about her. "I promise it'll never happen again." Jasper begs and says that he'll change for the better and stop being a cheater that he was.



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