Cheater? (part 2)

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You looked at him bursting out into tears

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You looked at him bursting out into tears. "Oh baby, please don't cry." Jasper says, now using his husband duties and acting like he's caring. "Look, I can change. I can be a better husband." Jasper says, knowing that his words are not working for you. "Just give me one more chance and I'll fix us." Jasper says, going into complete begging mode.

"Please just tell me that you still love me?" Jasper finally uses his last desperation card, hoping he can pull at your emotional side to win you back one last time.

You nod your head upset with yourself for still caring for him. "Why? Why did you do it?" Jasper is actually shocked by your answer, realizing that he might still have a chance. "You still love me?" Jasper asks for confirmation. "It just that work was so stressful, and I needed a break..." Jasper continues the same excuses that he used earlier. "I was in a low point when she walked up on me and..." Jasper trails off, looking away in shame of what he did.

You frowned upset at what you were hearing hoping it was all a prank but deep inside you knew it wasn't. Jasper knows he has one shot left. So he does something he never does, truly admitting his guilt.

"Look, I know what I did was wrong and I'm truly sorry." Jasper says, trying his best to be sincere. "I've always been in work mode for the past few years and neglected you and our kids." Jasper says, admitting his faults in your marriage. "And it was wrong of me to make a connection with another woman and betray your trust." Jasper admits finally.

"But I love you with all my heart." Jasper says, trying one last time to win you over through your emotional side. "Please, forgive me and give me another shot to prove that I can be a better husband and father." Jasper now tries his best to get back into your good graces one last time.

You start crying again not knowing what to do. Jasper can see that you're struggling and on the verge of being convinced. "See you're crying. That's because you still love me, right?" Jasper asks, finally believing it is possible for your marriage to be saved. "So why not save it?" Jasper asks, trying to win you over in these last moments. "Isn't it worth saving? The family we built together after all these years?" Jasper asks, pleading with you now.

"And our sons, don't you want them to still have their parents together?" Jasper asks, playing on the love you have for your kids. "We promised our kids that we would be always together. Do you want to break that promise to them?" Jasper says, using the kids as the last desperate attempt to win you over.

You shake your head no whimpering with tears pouring out of your eyes. Jasper is now close to winning you over. One last step is all he needs. "See. You don't want to break the promise we made for our sons." Jasper says, knowing that your kids are your soft spot. "And you love me still." Jasper whispers softly, knowing he's just made progress to win you back. "Then please give me another chance." Jasper says, pleading that this time you will finally give in.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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