☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。Chapter 12☆゚⁠.⁠*⁠・⁠。

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We began to fly up higher. This felt amazing, and super cool on so many levels. I almost forgot that we were about to stop a crazy lunatic fat man who probably has a secret relationship with his robots. I know I said it twice now but I'm still convinced.

We now we're close. The so called E-90 was right in front of us. It kinda looks like the head of a green hawk, with blue eyes, and a red beak. On top of it's head was a beam laser. Just like the name predicts- It began to shoot at us.

With quick tactical thinking and strategy. We weren't doing as bad. Some close calls from nearly being hit but we still got it. Eggman must have not been to please though by this. Naturally, who would enjoy getting their rear ends handed to them by a bunch of teens.

"You guys okay!" I yelled out loudly so they can hear. My shirt flapping in the wind making my stomach exposed a bit. My rocket boots still in low gear, no reason to use an ultra boost yet. Tails and Sonic look at each other, as they both held a thumbs up. I smile before being my attention back to the bird like robot. Noticing it's mouth had opened wider, as a strong sucking force began to pull us closer to it.

"It's sucking us in!! (Y/N)! Grab on!!" He out stretches his hand to me. Not thinking, as I grab it tight. Pulling me close to him as he held on tight. I watch as Tail's struggles to try to get away .... Quickly taking something out of my pocket. It was a small tiny bomb, looks like a small pebble... But with the right amount of force.

I also pull out a slingshot. Placing the bomb on it. Lining it back with one eye close. Easy....steady... Letting go as it felt like the whole world had gone in slowly motion. My eyes watching as the bomb makes its way into the robots mouth. Seeing nothing but just a glorious expression making me grin widely.

"Yes!!" Tail's yells out, quickly turning the Tornado from the machine. Sonic hugging me tightly as we both laughed out in excitement. "That was great!" "Thanks!-" Our celebration had to be cut short when we realized the robot was still going, only this time it was now sucking up the clouds in the sky. What the-

And if that wasn't bad news enough, the propeller on the Tornado began to smoke and the engine sputtering. "AHHH CRAP!!!" I yell out. We began to fall as they all join in the screaming. I hope over to Tails seat, sitting behind him. Grabbing onto the controller just like him, and helping him pull up the Tornado before we all crashed into the water.

All of us sighing in relief. I looking back up as I clench my teeth tight. "I'm going back!" I reported standing up and bout to take off. Sonic quickly grabbing my arm with both hands. "No way! It's suicide to go alone! Let's head back home and think of a better plan! This isn't a defeat. This is just a to be continued." He looks at me as I look back. Scoffing... but I listen.

"Tch, Sonic knows this guy better than I do so I'll listen for now. But I don't take likely when stuff that belongs to me gets taken. Just you wait Egghead. Once I get back, you'll be sorry. That is a promise."



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