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(Because I am a GIANT idiot. This is going to have to take place half way in episode 27 and episode 28 because my dumb self started writing on this episode because the playlist was jumbled up. So I started writing on the wrong episode.... I would change it but I've already written too much and I really don't feel like it...I'm so sorry - I recommend watching the beginning episode 27 first so you don't get confused about what happens.)

(No one's POV)

"It is such a shame we still cannot find my niece... I hired some of the best agents to find her and yet still no luck..." Mrs Thorndyke wipes away her tears gently trying not to smudge her makeup. Sonic and Kid Genius has been missing for a while after the chaos incident. Leaving others to worry and some curious. Chris tried to calm his mother down. Along with Cream and Cheese.

"Its okay, Mom! Kid Genius is with, Sonic. He'll protect her. They both will protect each other. Besides, I'm sure their not going to be gone long." Says Chris. Even Cheese chimes in as well. Cream nodding her head. The actress takes a deep breath and takes out a large gem. "...I was going to give this gem to her... But I believe she would want me to give it to someone. Here, it's yours." The woman hands the gem to Cream who happily took it. "Your awfully generous!" Said the little girl with such good manners.

"It would look perfect with your coloring!" Said Mrs. Thorndyke. Chris adding in that they could definitely use it. "Its settled then. Now if only we can get you out of that dreadful bunny costume and into a smart suit." Replied the woman. Leaving Cream and Chris baffled.

"But mom- that's not a costume. Cream is a--" Chris sentence was cut off short why a phone going off. Lindsay picking it up from her pocket and holds it up to her ear. "Hi!...oh, right now? Fine I'll be there. Wait for me." She closes her phone and starts to pack her things. "Oh, mummy hates to rush off like this, but there's trouble in the set. Apparently they have to recast the dog." Standing up. Looking at her son and his two friends with sadful eyes.

"Its okay. I understand. Will do it another time. Hopefully Kid Genius will be here with us." Chris adds. Trying to make his mom feel better. Just to get smothered in his mom's embrace. Then kissed on the cheek. "Goodbye, sweetheart. When you do see your cousin. Tell her we must talk about her new boyfriend someday." She leaves. Cream telling her thank you one last time. Grabbing the gem.


"Oh Chris, it's so pretty." Admired Cream. Looking into the box again that held the gem. A beautiful yellow gem. "I can't believe it was in a jewelry store. Let's take it home and show, Sonic n Kid Genius. Hopefully their back by now."

Cream agrees and starts to head back home. Cheese flying ahead of them. Just to get tangled up by something green. The both of them hitting the floor with a loud thud. Knocking the poor guy off his balance. The two rush over to aid him. Making sure their choa friend was okay.

But then getting a better look at what ran into Cheese. Chris holding it up. "Hey, what's this?" "It looks like a frog! But it's got a tail." Once inspecting the frog. Loud doorsteps can be heard charging towards them. And someone yelling out the words 'Froggy.' A large purple mobian cat was chasing to them. Just to have slip and crush the three of them under his massive weight. Making them howl in pain.

Right when this happens. The green frog that had bump into Cheese ran off. The large purple cat calling to him. Begging him not to run away the again. Moaning sadly as his ears going down. Chris, Cream and Cheese finally slipping out from under him. "Sorry mister, you're little frog friend got tangled up with our choa friend. The cat looks confused at the three. "You look like your kinda lost." Adds Cream

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