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Sonic and everyone else still decided to tag along with me. Which would make sense, I would use the help to bring all the stuff we'll need into the water
"Ill need six air tanks, plus flippers, and two pairs of goggles...I should have my card on me- Ah! Here it is! How much will it all cost?" I was inside of the store. Getting the equipment we all needed to find the Chaos Emerald that was in the ocean.
"Forget it! You don't owe me a dime! The government center notice to all shops owners that it'll cover your bill as part of its "Kid Genius and Blue Blur budget". Is there anything else I can get for you guys?" He asks kindly...Did they really now address us as that name? I don't hate it- wait how did they even know that name? We didn't make it public... I glare at Sonic who shrugs smuggly...
"Mmmh... is there anything else I need?..." I put a finger under my chin thinking. "It might help if you told me what you're driving for." I gulp. Thinking of a lie quick. Before looking at a model sale boat on the store clerks desk.
"Hey! This awesome ship model is exactly like the one on that painting, right?" I asked him. Pointing at the painting behind the clerk. "Oh, yeah, they're the same. You see, this ship was lost at sea a long time ago, and there's a legend that it's sank near here with a huge load of gold. Folks here think the legends true."
I stare at the painting with admiration. A sunken ship, hidden treasure, a unsolved mystery... I wasn't to sure if what he was saying legit....or if it was an old tourist gag most people do to people who visit. But right now, one adventure is enough for me. We finally got everything we needed. We thanked the store clerk and headed off to get the boat.
We were now out on the sea. We got the boat and all the equipment we need for our mission. "Don't worry, you two! We'll be with you in case you get into trouble!" Amy says to us. "But we know you two will do great down there!" Tails also reassures us...and by us I mostly mean the person who can't swim and absolutely hates H2O. "Don't forget to take long deep breaths okay?" Chris informs Sonic. Who nods in response.
"Alright, let's do this. Thank goodness theses things are now water proof." Setting my ticket boots in water mode. "Alright. I want everyone staying close okay? Good. Ready Sonic?" I put on the oxygen tank mask. About to hop in. Until Amy stopped me. "Y/N! Your outfit! Why don't you have a swim suit on?" She said to me in a mother like scolding. Not wanting me to get my clothes soaked.
"Oh yeah! Your right. Don't worry, it's under my clothes." I take off my pants and shorts. Leaving me in my swim suit. Amy had actually picked this out for me. She was good when it came to fashion. She actually managed to pick the one that's actually my style. Who knows, if she stayed in our world long enough she just might be a model or maybe even a fashionista. Personally, she seems more like a baker/chef type of gal. But I'll support her no matter what she is. She had a good heart and does love her friends.