Chapter One

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The snow in between your toes was beginning to feel like fire burning through your thin shoes, stinging each cell of your skin as you walked, and walked... and walked, searching for any sign of life. For the first time in your life, you were grateful for the corset around your chest and waist, holding all your heat in, saving you from freezing to death. Reaching the top of the steep hill, you pant heavily to catch your breath as your chest heaves under the metal cage around you. Once you recollect your breath, you lift your head as tears warm your red cheeks in excitement. You let out a sob of relief as your eyes lock on the hut at the bottom of the hill accompanied with a large barn beside it, warm yellow light glistening through the windows. Ignoring the pain shooting through your entire core, you run as fast as you can, your energy somehow rejuvenated by the new found hope in front of you.

"Help! Is there anyone there?" you called out desperately as you banged your fists on the curved wooden door, each knock echoing in the empty fields around you.

"Who sent you?" a voice questions from behind you as something presses on your back, its sharpness digging right into your spine. Your heart in your gut, you shift slowly but quickly halt as she digs her blade into your back, causing you to put your arms up in surrender. "Move and at best you'll be paralyzed until the end of time, I imagine you can envision the worst case scenario" she warns. Her voice was gruff, yet so silky and stern that it made your fear conflicted on how to feel.

"Don't hurt me, I'm lost, I just need to find my way home" you blurt out helplessly, hoping your tired and desperate voice will convince her of your innocence. You weren't ready to die trying to survive, not when you've gotten this far. "I don't know where I am, who you are, or who could have sent me, but I promise you I just need help" you pleaded clearly, feigning a little confidence to not incriminate yourself with begging.

Your conviction seemed to work as she lowered her weapon slowly, allowing you to let out your first breath in what felt like an eternity. "What's your name?" she interrogated as you turned to face her slowly.

Your stomach was shouting at you to eat while churning at the question that was so simple yet so dangerous. You finally get the chance to see your avoided undoing, both of you frozen at the other's appearance. The tall woman stared down at you, taken aback by your features as you caught yourself admiring what towered over you. She wore a stained beige short-sleeve shirt with a leather apron draped over her muscular body, her arms on display under the t-shirt, its hems ripping around the v neck-line. It caught you off guard as you caught a glimpse of her right arm, metal claws replacing fingers, mechanical plates for a forearm, crafted so perfectly, it looked futuristic. Her brown skin was coated in ash and gray dust, burns and scratches poking through the dirt on her skin, her short hair was tucked in a half bun as little hairs rested on her forehead. Her hands were covered by worn out leather gloves as one held the magnificent sword, completely contradicting her attire and appearance. Your mind cogs for a name to give her as her lips curve lightly, waiting for you to give her an answer to her simple question.

"Emilia, my name is Emilia," you blurt out in a stammer, smiling as you finish your sentence.

"Emilia, it's a pretty name." she noted as she stepped forward, her eyes sharpening as she scanned you. "You look oddly familiar" she murmured as she looked down at your golden weaved corset, admiring the way it wrapped around your waist, allowing your now torn gown to lay so elegantly.

"You must be mistaken, I would have remembered you if we met before" you state gently, crossing your fingers and toes, hoping she will drop it and stop digging.

"No, I have a strange feeling that I've seen you before, in passing." she persisted, her brows knitting together as she dug for a link to connect the feeling with a memory.

DELICATE FLAMES (sevika x reader) Where stories live. Discover now