Ghosts past..

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Ghost was your cold, harsh and ruthless Lieutenant. And as much as he hated to admit it, he had taken a liking to you. But of course, he would never reveal that.
It was a cold bitter night and he was sitting outside having a smoke, that's until you came along. He glared up at you before he stood up.
His gaze seemed to soften a little, leaning down and whispering softly to you, starting to feel a little buzz now. "I don't much longer I can remain professional around you."

"Ghost you know your not supposed to be smoking in these head quarters" i said knowing its not the first time he just smokes anywhere

"Who's going to stop me?" Ghost chuckled and took another drag from his cigarette. He blew the smoke out slowly and sighed, it felt nice, felt safe. He really shouldn't be doing this but he was too far down this rabbit hole to care anymore.

Then i looked at him and was feeling genuinely worried for him "Ghost..are you alright? In any way?" I said in a soft voice

"Hm?" Ghost glanced up at you. He tilted his head to the side a little, he wasn't sure what to say...he wasn't. It was just everything, all he had been doing and everything he kept buried down inside him. It was eating him alive. He took a quick drag from his cigarette before replying "...I'm fine..."

"You been acting weird the past month and a half you been breaking rules none stop and that isn't you and if price finds out about this he'll-" then before could finish my sentence he cut me off.

"He won't find out." Ghost shrugged dismissively. His grip on his cigarette tightened. He hated to admit it but you weren't wrong, he had changed. And it worried him. He used to be so calm, so collected, nothing ever bothered him and nothing ever phased him but seems like everything has become an issue. He just needs to get a grip on himself.

" Ghost whats wrong with genuinely you been acting different" you said knowing that this is not ghost the past month and a half as he been acting very off.. "am worried for you ghost.."

Ghost's eyes shifted to look off into the distance as he contemplated what to say. He didn't want to admit how he was feeling but there was no way he could continue hiding any longer. He let out a deep sigh and looked back over at you. With a nod of his head, he finally spoke. "It's just been a rough couple of months...and I don't know how much longer I can...keep up the facade, the act of being strong."

"Then to me talk to anyone i dont want to you to get in trouble like last time" i then decided to take the cigarette from his hand and just to throw it away.

Ghost was taken by surprise when you took his cigarette out of his hand and tossed it away. He seemed stunned for a few seconds until he finally responded. "I don't know if I'm ready for that yet...It's just..." he trailed off and sighed. He was afraid. Afraid to show everyone how weak he actually was, afraid what they would think of him or worse, afraid of disappointing them again. So, for now, he chose to bottle everything up inside.
then you got closer to him and sat right beside him you wanted to make him as comfortable as possible he was my best friend after all you want to know if he's alright in any way

"ghost come on talk to me... we been best friends for years.." you said knowingly that he needed to talk or hes just gonna get pacifically worse.

When you sat next to him and placed your hand on his shoulder, he seemed to finally release that breath he had been holding onto for so long. You were right, you've been friends for years, through everything. And now for the first time in a while, he needed his best friend more than ever. Ghost glanced over at you as he sat up. "There' much on my mind...just been so much going on..." he trailed off and sighed once again as he looked away.

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