Baby Boom

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Kate and Anastasia are both pregnant at the same time and apparently due within days of each other. I guess our vacation to the island estates was the time that they both got pregnant. I have to say it was a great to get away from it all including our children. Well their four children are not as bad as our one child. I think her father is the energizer bunny. The grandparents are thrilled to have their grandchildren for two weeks. Now they will be getting more for their good deeds. We got news that both were pregnant on the same day. That was three weeks after we returned to Seattle.

I was thrilled that we are having another child and I know that having four children has been keeping us busy but one more isn't going to cause that much more time. We are good at scheduling time but as in everything time gets harder to come by when unexpected things come up. Like weddings and school events for our families. The days go pretty quickly and we are soon blessed with another child. Kate and Anastasia somehow gave birth on the same night almost at the same time. We now have twin boys Liam Charles and Michael Carrick Grey were born within ten minutes of Elliott's boys Jared Elliott and James David Grey. So the boys outnumber the girls in the families now.

I can't believe that I had twin boys and so did Anastasia and ten minutes apart. Theirs are older than ours. Ava is really happy about having siblings but she wanted sisters. I told her that they would protect her when they got grown up and she smiled. I don't know what she was thinking after that. Elliott is thrilled but exhausted from being up all night helping me give birth. Apparently Christian is just as tired because it took longer for the birth of their boys. They got here six hours before we did.

I am so glad that I am not having anymore children this was the worst pain I have ever had in my life. The boys were fighting to see who could be first out of me, so they had to turn them around so they could be born. I had no idea that they might do this to me and I treated them so well during their time inside me. I can only imagine what they will do once they start becoming independent. I told Christian they are his to handle. Our other children are well behaved, so I am hoping these will be as well.

I am listening to Anastasia talk about her new sons and laughing about her comments about the boys behaving badly during childbirth. She threw me out of her room because I was laughing at her comments. Carla had some really good points and made me apologize to Anastasia. She made me feel sone of the pain that Anastasia must have felt, I am lucky she left me with my private parts afterward. I am still walking funny. I won't ever make little of a woman's comments about having given childbirth.

I do believe that Carla had some serious conversation with Ray and she won. I know not to make light of women giving childbirth. My mother showed me the light when she showed me the video of my own birth. Dad passed out and some intern filmed it for him to see later. She told him he was there when she got pregnant and he damn well was going to witness the birth. I was a big baby, mom was a petite woman. As she reminded me and my dad whenever she wanted to win an argument. I make no comments or laugh at comments made by the woman who just gave birth.

I am very thrilled to have more grandchildren and so is Grace. The combined families are great and we have a lot of various events that bring us together. Ethan is finally trying to be a real father to his daughters. I guess Andrew is learning the hard way that he can't live with his parents forever. Eamon has not been the best role model for Ethan and Kate and he knows it. I am sure they know that not all fathers are like him. Kate and Elliott are doing the best they can to be good parents to their children. They even help care for their nieces and nephews. Christian and Anastasia have really made up for not having children during the first years of their marriage. They have six now, three were adopted at birth. Anastasia said six is her limit. She is pretty good at her balancing work and raising their children and Christian is a hands on dad. Ray and Carla are very good parents as well as role models. I was a good one for my children but Eamon not so good.

Ray was being insensitive and I made my point and he apologized to Anastasia for being an insensitive oaf. He won't do that again. He might be bigger than me but I have a good position to make valid points of how pain can make a person rethink their stupidity. He will feel the pain for a few hours.

I hold in my laughter as Ray walks out of the private room he and Carla walked out of and he is walking funny and wincing. He won't laugh again at a woman's pain in childbirth. Carrick was very quiet and didn't say a word, he told me why later. I was shocked that his mother did that. I don't know if I could have done anything like that myself. Not sure showing a child his birth on video. Now I know how he was able to handle the pregnant clients giving birth at his office. He helped deliver two mothers babies before the EMTs arrived and their husbands had passed out from fear.

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