Izuku's POV

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In the soft morning light filtering through his apartment window, Izuku Midoriya sat hunched over his workspace, a steaming cup of coffee cradled between his hands. Despite a more restful night than he'd had in ages, his mind felt foggy, the usual rush of his morning routine replaced by a slow, introspective start. His laptop was open before him, a clutter of emails demanding his attention, yet his focus was elsewhere, drifting back to the events of the previous night and the peculiar arrangement he'd found himself in.

Katsuki Bakugo, his new neighbor with the fiery disposition and a baby daughter that could melt the coldest of hearts, had unwittingly become the center of Izuku's thoughts. The memory of Katsuki's skeptical yet desperate expression when Izuku had offered his help lingered, a mix of apprehension and curiosity stirring within him. It was an impulsive decision, born out of a desire to bring some quiet to their shared hallway, yet the aftermath was an unexpected anticipation for what was to come.

Trying to anchor himself back to reality, Izuku scrolled through the endless spreadsheet cells on his screen, but the numbers blurred into an indecipherable mess. He let out a frustrated sigh, pushing back from the desk as the promise of a second coffee lured him to the kitchen.

Standing by the coffeemaker, the rich aroma of brewing coffee filled the small space, offering a momentary escape. Izuku's thoughts wandered back to Katsuki and his daughter, Eri. There was something about Katsuki's fierce protectiveness and unexpected vulnerability that intrigued Izuku, drawing him in ways he hadn't expected. It wasn't just the man's undeniable good looks—it was his dedication to Eri, a raw, unguarded commitment that Izuku found both admirable and deeply attractive.

With a fresh mug in hand, Izuku leaned against the kitchen counter, lost in thought. The arrangement he'd stumbled into with Katsuki—to help put Eri to bed and, in turn, find some semblance of rest himself—seemed straightforward enough. Yet, the more he considered it, the more he realized it was about more than just assisting with bedtime routines. It was the start of something new, a connection forming between them that Izuku couldn't yet define, but was eager to explore.

In the dwindling light of the evening, Izuku Midoriya found himself at the threshold of his neighbor Katsuki's apartment, the weight of their nascent agreement pressing equally with the promise it held. The brief walk had done little to settle the flurry of anticipation stirring within him, a stark contrast to the tranquil routine of his usual evenings.

Immediately, Izuku faced the raw reality of their shared commitment as he entered their place. Eri's cries, a poignant echo of their initial encounter, filled the space, a stark reminder of the delicate balance they were navigating. Katsuki, entrenched in his studies, offered a gruff acknowledgment without lifting his gaze, "I've got to hit the books, but shout if you need me."

Izuku, recognizing the opportunity to foster communication beyond their immediate concern for Eri, attempted some small talk with the other man. "Studying for something big?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine interest as he rocked Eri gently in his arms, hoping to ease some of the palpable tension in the room.

Katsuki, without lifting his gaze from the sea of papers scattered across his desk, responded tersely, "My teacher's a dick, so I have a test coming up, engineering stuff." His tone was rough with lack of sleep and stress.

Seeking to maintain a friendly atmosphere despite Katsuki's curt demeanor, Izuku continued, "Sounds intense. I dropped out not long after my company took off, but I can imagine the workload." He offered a small smile, one that went unnoticed as Katsuki's focus remained unwavering on his studies.

The room was quiet, but Izuku found himself content in the small bubble he and Eri had formed. The apartment around them felt both stark and lived-in, a testament to Katsuki's attempts at juggling his roles as a student and a father. Izuku's eyes roved over the clean lines of the living space, noting the contrast with the chaos of textbooks and notes that dominated Katsuki's study area. It was a silent battle between order and disorder, mirroring the complex life Katsuki led.

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