Katsuki's POV

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Katsuki wheeled Eri's stroller into Izuku's warmly lit apartment, feeling a flutter of uncertainty as they crossed the threshold. The room buzzed with activity, Izuku and his friends busily setting up intricate landscapes and arranging snacks on the table. Izuku, spotting them at the door, beamed and waved them over.

"Katsuki, good you're here," Izuku called out, a hint of excitement in his voice as he ushered them into the bustling setup.

Ochako and Shoto greeted Katsuki with a warm smile. Ochako's cheery "Hello!" resonated with genuine warmth, while Shoto offered a nod and a soft, "Glad you could join us." Katsuki, not quite used to socializing much since Eri's arrival, managed a nod and a somewhat stiff, "Thanks."

Katsuki found a spot at the table's edge, his discomfort palpable as laughter and casual banter flowed effortlessly around him. It was a stark contrast to the competitive and distant interactions he was accustomed to.

As the last of the landscapes were positioned and the final snacks laid out, the group settled down, finding their places around the cluttered game table.

Izuku lifted Eri out of her stroller and settled her on his lap, whispering to her about the "big adventure" they were about to embark on. Ochako cooed over Eri, turning to Katsuki with a grin, "She's just adorable!" Her comment drew a genuine smile from Katsuki, his heart warming at the attention his daughter received.

Shoto leaned over to discuss character options with Izuku, their conversation peppered with terms Katsuki didn't quite catch, his attention drifting. It wasn't until he noticed Izuku sliding on a pair of glasses to peruse some character sheets that his focus snapped back. The glasses added an unexpected layer of sophistication to Izuku's usual casual demeanor, and Katsuki stared a moment too long.

Catching Katsuki's gaze, Izuku chuckled, adjusting his glasses. "Yeah, these are just for reading. I guess it makes me look a bit nerdy," he joked, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Izuku then turned to the group, clapping his hands lightly. "Alright, let's get started! Katsuki, you can just watch for now, see how you feel about joining in. We've got an extra character sheet ready if you're interested," he offered with an encouraging smile.

Shoto began setting the stage with a storyteller's flair, while Izuku leaned in, offering Katsuki a quick primer on the game's basics to help bridge his confusion.

"So, each player controls a character, right? We roll these dice to decide our moves based on the character's abilities and the story Shoto's telling," Izuku explained quietly, pointing at the colorful sheets filled with character stats and fantastical abilities.

Katsuki leaned closer to Izuku, a bit perplexed by the unfolding game. "What's happening now?" he asked, trying to follow along as Ochako maneuvered her character on the board.

Izuku's face brightened as he explained, "Ochako's character, a rogue, is trying to sneak past a small group of ogres. It's all about stealth and agility." He pointed at the dice on the table. "She needs a high roll to succeed without getting caught."

As Ochako rolled the dice with a flick of her wrist, her character's fate hung in the balance. The dice clattered to a stop, and the table erupted in cheers—she rolled a natural 20. "Perfect stealth! See, she just pulled off a critical success, which means her character moves through the shadows undetected," Izuku whispered to Katsuki with a grin.

Katsuki chuckled, intrigued by the strategic elements wrapped in a cloak of fantasy. "I get it, kind of like seeing if luck is on your side," he mused, finding parallels to his own experiences.

Ochako beamed at them, catching their hushed tones. "What are you two whispering about over there?" she teased, her eyes gleaming with mirth.

Izuku laughed, nodding toward Katsuki. "Just giving Katsuki the crash course. He's catching on quick."

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