💫The interview💫

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Caitlin Snow looked at herself in the mirror one last time, adjusting the too-small suit her mother had lent her

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Caitlin Snow looked at herself in the mirror one last time, adjusting the too-small suit her mother had lent her. The fabric squeezed her waist, making her feel uncomfortable, but she knew it wasn't the time to argue. With a resigned sigh, she left the house, trying to walk gracefully in the tight skirt.

As she boarded the bus, she felt a bit lightheaded with nerves. She had never been to a real job interview before. She remembered how she had landed her first job at The Buttered Bun casually, without really going through a formal interview.

As the bus moved along, Caitlin ran through in her mind what she knew about job interviews. What would they ask? What if they asked her to do something practical with the elderly man she would be caring for?

"What do you ask an elderly person in an interview?" she wondered aloud, receiving curious looks from the other passengers.

She arrived at her destination and found herself in front of the building where the interview would take place. She took a deep breath and entered, trying to exude confidence.

Upon meeting Syed, the human resources manager, Caitlin tried to recall everything she had read about how to behave in an interview.

"Caitlin?" Syed asked with a friendly smile.

"Yes, that's me," Caitlin nervously responded.

The interview progressed with typical questions about her previous experience, skills, and availability. Caitlin answered as best she could, trying to control her nerves.

"Do you have any experience in elderly care?" Syed asked.

"Not directly, but I've worked in a café where I interacted with customers of all ages," Caitlin replied, hoping that would suffice.

Syed nodded and then mentioned that the position involved some practical responsibilities, such as assisting with the elderly man's basic needs, but the primary caregiver would handle more intimate tasks.

Caitlin shuddered at the thought, but she nodded determinedly. She needed this job.

After a series of further questions, the interview came to an end. Caitlin bid farewell to Syed with a handshake and left the building, feeling a momentary relief at having overcome that stage.

On the way back home, she realized she still didn't know if she had gotten the job. But for the first time in a long time, she felt proud of herself for stepping out of her comfort zone and facing a new challenge.

Upon arriving home, her mother greeted her enthusiastically. "How was the interview?" she asked with a smile.

Caitlin smiled and replied, "I think it went well. And thank you for lending me the suit, Mom. Although I think I'll need to buy my own if I get the job."

Her mother returned the smile and hugged her. "I'm sure you'll do great, dear," she said proudly.

Caitlin retreated to her room, hoping that this would be the first of many successful interviews on her journey towards a new career as an elderly caregiver. And although she still didn't know what the future held, she was ready to face any challenge that came her way.

Caitlin arrived in front of the imposing Granta House, a red-brick mansion that stood majestically near the medieval walls. She felt small and insignificant in its magnitude as she walked along the long driveway, trying to contain the nerves that overwhelmed her.

Approaching the main door, an elegant woman, dressed in white trousers and a jacket that seemed medical, stepped onto the porch. Caitlin felt even more nervous upon seeing her, wondering if she would be the one interviewing her.

"You must be Miss Snow," the woman said with a polite smile.

Caitlin nodded, trying to maintain her composure. "Yes, that's me. Thank you for having me."

A voice resonated from inside the house, interrupting their conversation. "And thank you very much for coming. We'll be in the dining room for the interview. Please, follow us."

Caitlin followed the woman, Nora, into the house. Every step she took seemed to increase the feeling of inferiority that engulfed her. She struggled to remember her mother's words of encouragement and to maintain confidence in herself.

Upon reaching the dining room, Caitlin paused for a moment to admire the elegance of the place. The long, polished table, high-backed chairs, and decorative details made her feel like she was in a completely different world from her own.

Nora gestured for Caitlin to take a seat and then sat across from her, placing her folder on the table.

"Well, Miss Snow, what can you tell us about yourself?" Nora began, with a penetrating look that made Caitlin feel even more anxious.

Caitlin took a deep breath and began to talk about her previous experience, her skills, and her interest in the position. She tried to convey confidence and determination despite the nerves creeping in.

Nora listened attentively, occasionally jotting down notes. Caitlin tried to interpret her facial expressions, attempting to gauge whether she was impressing her or not.

After what felt like an eternity, Nora finally closed the folder and looked at Caitlin with a smile.

"Well, Miss Snow, I think we're done for today. We appreciate your time and your interest in the position. We'll be in touch with you in the coming days to inform you of our decision."

Caitlin nodded, feeling a momentary relief knowing that the interview had come to an end. She rose from her chair and shook hands with Nora, trying to convey gratitude and confidence in a simple gesture.

"Thank you for the opportunity," Caitlin said with a nervous smile.

Nora nodded, and Caitlin left the dining room, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders. Although she still didn't know if she would get the job, she felt proud to have faced the challenge and given her best.

She walked down the long hallway towards the exit, hoping that this interview would be the beginning of a new chapter in her life. Although uncertainty about the outcome lay ahead, she was ready to face any challenge that came her way.

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