💫The Interview at Granta House💫

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Caitlin followed Nora Allen into a vast room, decorated with elegance and opulence

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Caitlin followed Nora Allen into a vast room, decorated with elegance and opulence. Curtains gracefully hung from high rods, thick mahogany carpets covered the floors, and elegant side tables adorned the space. Caitlin wondered where the Allens would leave their tea cups amidst all the elaborate décor.

"So, you've come about the job listing from the Employment Office, correct? Please, have a seat," said Nora, her tone carrying a hint of weariness, as if she had repeated those words too many times that day.

Caitlin sat down on one of the upholstered chairs, trying to cotain her nerves as she watched Nora flip through papers in a folder. Meanwhile, Caitlin discreetly glanced around the room, surprised by its opulence. She had expected the house to be more like a residence, clean and accessible, but this was more like a luxurious hotel that was a bit intimidating. The carefully arranged and expensive-looking objects made her feel somewhat intimidated. On a sideboard were photographs in silver frames, but they were too far away to make out the faces.

It was then that Caitlin heard the unmistakable sound of seams ripping. She looked down and saw a tear between the two pieces of fabric that joined at the side of her right skirt leg, and how the fabric strands had frayed into an unsightly fringe. She felt her face flush with embarrassment.

"So..., Miss Snow..., do you have any experience with quadriplegics?" Nora asked, pulling Caitlin out of her thoughts about the tear in her skirt.

"No," Caitlin replied, trying to maintain her composure as she shifted to make her jacket cover the skirt tear as much as possible.

"Do you have much experience as a caregiver?" Nora continued, her gaze penetrating. Caitlin hesitated for a moment before responding: "Um... Actually, I've never done it before. But I'm sure I could learn," she added, recalling Syed's words of encouragement in her ear.

Nora nodded, apparently satisfied with the response. "Do you know what a quadriplegic is?" she asked, in a softer tone.

Caitlin took a moment to think before responding. "Someone... stuck in a wheelchair?" she said, feeling a bit unsure of herself.

Nora smiled, seeming to understand Caitlin's situation. "Yes, that's part of the description. A quadriplegic is someone who has lost the ability to move in all four limbs due to a spinal cord injury," she explained gently.

Caitlin nodded, feeling relieved to have answered correctly. Though she still felt nervous about the skirt tear, she was determined to do her best in this interview.

"I suppose that's one way to put it. There are various levels, but in this case, we're talking about complete loss of leg use and very limited use of hands and arms. Would that bother you?" Nora Allen asked, with a seriousness that made Caitlin feel even more uncomfortable.

"Well, not as much as him, obviously," Caitlin responded with a nervous smile, but Nora's expression remained impassive. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say..."

"Do you drive, Miss Snow?" Nora interrupted, abruptly changing the subject.

"Yes," Caitlin replied, trying to maintain her composure despite the growing tear in her skirt.

"Do you have a valid driver's license?" Nora asked, marking something on her list.

Caitlin nodded as she worried about the tear in her skirt that continued inexorably up her thigh. "Is everything okay?" Nora asked, noticing Caitlin's discomfort.

"I'm feeling a bit warm, that's all. Do you mind if I take off my jacket?" Caitlin said, quickly removing her jacket and tying it around her waist to conceal the skirt opening. "It's so warm," she added, trying to disguise her nervousness.

There was a brief silence before Nora Allen returned her gaze to her folder. "How old are you?" she asked.

"Twenty-six," Caitlin responded, trying to stay calm despite the uncomfortable situation.

"And you were at your previous job for six years," Nora continued.

"Yes. I guess you have a copy of my references," Caitlin said, hoping that her work experience would compensate for the skirt tear incident.

"Mm," Nora murmured, lifting the sheet and narrowing her eyes. "Your previous boss says you're a 'warm and lively presence.'"

"Yes, he got paid," Caitlin replied, trying to make a joke to ease the tension, but Nora's expression remained unchanged.

The interview continued in that tone, with Nora Allen asking direct questions and Caitlin responding as best she could, despite the growing discomfort from the tear in her skirt. Although she hoped that her experience and skills would be enough to secure the job, she couldn't help but worry about the impression she was making with her unkempt appearance.

"Oh, darn it," I thought to myself, feeling the pressure mounting as Nora Allen stared at me. I felt like she was studying me, and not in a friendly way. Suddenly, my mother's skirt seemed cheap, with those synthetic threads gleaming in the dim light. I should have worn pants and a less flashy shirt. Anything but this suit.

Nora continued her questioning, and I tried to maintain my composure despite my growing discomfort.

"So, why have you left that job, when it's obvious that they appreciate you so much?" Nora asked, her tone neutral but penetrating.

"Frank, the owner, sold the café. It's the one at the back of the castle. The Buttered Bun. It was," I corrected myself, "I would have been happy to stay there," I responded, hoping my explanation would suffice.

Mrs. Allen nodded, either because she didn't feel the need to add anything to it or because she too would have been happy if I had stayed there.

"And what do you want to do with your life, exactly?" Nora continued, her gaze fixed on me.

"Excuse me?" I responded, a bit confused by the question.

"Do you aspire to have a professional career? Would this job be a starting point towards something better? Do you have any career dreams you want to make a reality?" Nora questioned, her tone making me feel like I was in an interrogation.

"I... I haven't really thought about it. Since I lost my job. I just...," I swallowed hard, feeling like my words sounded weak, "I just want to work again," I responded sincerely, hoping my answer would be enough to convince Nora that I was the right candidate for the job.

But Nora's look suggested she wasn't convinced. What kind of person goes to an interview without even knowing what they want to

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