a flag gets captured, a child gets claimed

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sasha and annabeth were assigned to settle percy into a routine, so that he feel a sense of normality. though sasha couldn't see how the boy would ever find getting lessons from satyrs, nymphs and a centaur normal. obviously, the daughter of apollo was not happy about this assignment and threw a fit, but the old centaur didn't budge. he insisted that she was the best option to show percy the reins of camp.

each morning annabeth taught him ancient greek, about the gods and godesses, and pretty much everything percy had thought to be a myth. sasha tried to teach him latin. key word: tried. whilst he somehow found greek easy enough, he struggled with latin beyond belief. the pair couldn't get far into a conversation without fighting, but annabeth was always there to ease the tension.

the rest of the day, the girls rotated him through outdoor activities, searching for something percy was good at. chiron and sasha tried to teach him archery, but they found out very quickly he was no good with a bow and arrow. the traumatised satyrs can attest to that. sasha made sure to make it known to percy that she was one of the best archers at camp. 

percy wasn't any good at foot-racing either. the wood-nymph instructors left him in the dust. sasha couldn't contain her giggles while the dryads assured him not to worry about it. it was just too funny that he was slower than a tree

and wrestling? forget it. every time percy stepped on the mat, clarisse pulverised him. 

he only thing he excelled at was canoeing, which didn't impress anybody. but sasha was curious. when she said percy excelled, he excelled. sasha never really felt comfortable on the water. for some reason, she felt like she needed to be on guard at all times. but they practically flew across the lake...almost like the water was carrying them. sasha had a bad feeling about this. 

the senior campers and counsellors watched percy like a hawk, trying to decide who his dad was, but they were having a hard time. he wasn't strong like the ares kids, and wasn't nearly as good at archery as the apollo kids. he didn't have Hephaestus' skill with metalwork or Dionysus' way with vine plants. 

on thursday afternoon, three days after percy had arrived at camp half-blood, it was percy's first sword-fighting lesson. usually, two or three cabins grouped up for sword-fighting, but since cabin 11 was so big, they trained by themselves. however, sasha also liked to tag along to most of their sessions since her cabin focused mostly on archery and had less sword-fighting sessions than others. sasha preferred to be more well-rounded than the rest of her siblings, and luke was the best swordsman at camp, so who better to instruct her?

they started with basic stabbing and slashing, using straw-stuffed dummies in greek armour. sasha was bored out of her mind from the ease, so paid a bit more attention to percy. he was doing okay... he seemed to have a natural understanding and good reflexes so at least there's that. but he seemed slightly off, like the sword wasn't balanced right or something. 

they were still playing with dummies, so sasha decided to go for a water break. she wasn't getting anything productive out of the session anyway. sasha was just contemplating how she could have been doing masters' archery or a pegasus flying session when the stolls approached her.

"sasha, come on you have got to see this!" travis said, linking his right arm through her left.

connor linked his left arm through her right. "luke's picking percy as his partner for sparring."

being hauled back to the arena by the two brothers, sasha said, "now this is something worth my time."

when they reached the arena, luke was telling everyone to pair up, announcing he would work with percy the first time around. 

the euphotic zone (percy jackson x fem oc fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now