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   I didn't want to wake up but I had to. If I didn't I would probably get my ass beat by my one and only dad. I slowly opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Life is shit, and then you die. If only the dying part would happen already. 

   I slowly rolled out of my bed before walking to my dresser. I pulled out a black hoodie and black ripped jeans. as I was finishing up pulling my hoodie over my I walked over to the mirror before studying my hair and my face. Number one, my hair looked extra terrible which was great, and two my face looked paler then usual, but I guess that might be because of the fact that I had just woke up. I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. Nothing could ever fix my hair and after endlessly trying to fix it I gave up.

 Mondays where always the worst. Especially if you lived in my house with my dad. I frowned in the mirror as the thought of him came to mind. I jumped as I slammed my hand against my mouth to make sure that I didn't let out a scream as I heard a loud crash that seemed to come from down stairs. 

"FRANK! GET DOWN HERE NOW!" I sighed as I picked up my backpack. 

We are off to a great start. 

I slowly creaked open my bedroom door before sliding out of it. I quickly made my way to the stairs not wanting to test his patience. I kept hearing a bunch of clattering noises and by the time I reached the bottom of the stair I could perfectly see what my dad was doing.

I watched him as he slammed all of his beer bottles on the ground making them shatter all around him. There had to be at least ten bottles he drank with all of the glass on the ground. My breath hitched as he turned around to look at me.  

"Frank you better get your ass over here and pick all of this up." My dad slurred as he tried to walk away from the mess he made. 

I nodded before running passed the mess to grab the broom that we had. 

He should have been at work by now but I guess he decided to have a drink or two before he left.     I frowned as I looked at the busted up broom. The metal was bent from a experience that I don't think I'm quite ready to talk about, but let's just say I got one hell of a beating. I snatched the broom out of the closet as quickly as I could before practically running over to the mess on the floor. I didn't even need to look up at my father to see if I was fast enough for him because I already knew he was two seconds away from shoving me into all the glass. I tried to quickly clean all the glass up so I could get out of the situation as soon as possible. I was practically done with the mess only having to sweep it all into a smaller pile. I could hear my father trying to walk but it sounded more like him stumbling over himself from behind me. I was squatting down in the middle of sweeping the glass into the dust pan when I felt someone kick me in the back. I winced as I felt the sharp pain go through my body as I almost fell to the ground. luckily I was able to catch myself before I fell onto the glass that was in front of me. 

"HURRY THE FUCK UP YOU LITTLE SHIT!" My dad screamed through slurred words. 

I jumped hearing his voice before sweeping the remaining glass into the dustpan. I quickly pulled myself up before sprinting over to the trash to pour it out. When I was finished and putting the broom back in the closet that was in the little hall that led to the staircase and the door, I once again heard my dad walking towards me. I threw the broom in the closet before shutting the door and turning around as  fast as I could. My eyes widened as I saw my dad walking towards me. 

I didn't even realize how close he was to me and I wished I didn't have a fucking delayed reaction because by the time I could even try to run away he grabbed my by the shirt and through me to the floor. I fell with a loud thud as I laid there on my side. Maybe if I stayed still he would think I died or something. I let out a small gasp as I felt him kick me in the stomach. It stung like a bitch and I felt like throwing up even though I hadn't eaten anything. I turned on my back as I looked up at my ass whole of a dad. His eyes where practically sunken into his skull and his brown hair was so fucking long that if he fixed up his ugly ass beard he could look like Jesus fucking Christ himself. 

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