Chapter 7: Sophia

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I hope you are doing well and safe in Voria. Tell me that the prince has been cordial. I wish I could be there with you to beat some sense into him, but I suspect you have that covered. Keep him in check and under your finger.

We have gained a league in the western region of Trost, but we remain under relative stalemate. Truthfully, I am growing tired, Sophia. Every day I await orders and they almost always come late. Too late.

I remain alive until you hear otherwise. Stay safe. King Raymond is generous.

Your Brother,



Your father's condition is worsening. I told him to stay put and command from his tent, but he is intent on showing his face, making a statement, rallying pride. I cannot stand the sound of his coughing at night. I've opted to sleep elsewhere.

I suspect that Graham will be given full military authority soon. Stay strong, darling. We need all the help we can get. In you I trust.

Best wishes,

Your dearest mother


I beg of you, make these deals with more haste. We had men go without rations yesterday. More arrived today, but I fear we may be out again before the next fortnight.

Smile and keep your hair down. Use your beauty and your charm and intelligence and put it to work. We need aid. Whatever Voria wants, make it sound like we have it.

And I beg you, make that prince love you. If we have that, then perhaps we have won.

With affection,


I rested my forehead against my hands, rubbing my temples. I had grown no closer to Cassisus since the day we met. Perhaps the day we met had been the greatest closeness of our time together. We met, we danced, we smiled, and there had been a spark, but that spark dissipated almost immediately.

Cassius was the greatest challenge I had ever faced.

I sighed and held the letters to my chest, dated not so far apart. Perhaps, soon I could return home. Was not father's approaching death enough of an excuse?

Alas, I had a promise to fulfill. Survival of the best spoken, as mother would always say.

A quick knock came from the door. "Princess Sophia, dinner is coming in a short time. Do you need assistance?"

I inhaled and sat up straight in my chair, blinking away whatever grievances I had. "If you would. Enter."

The door opened to reveal a different girl than usual. She was short, with blonde hair chopped to her shoulders. A complacent look in her eyes. She reminded me of myself. As the door swung shut behind her, she gave a quick curtsy and approached me. "What can I do for you?"

I turned towards the mirror and flipped the letters face-down. "My hair. Braid it, please."

She nodded in respect, then grabbed a brush from the vanity. As she untucked my hair from the chair, her eyes widened. "It is so soft, my lady. Beautiful."

"Thank you," I nearly whispered. It had not meant to come out so weak, but my mind was elsewhere.

"I don't usually handle hair this nice. Cassius' is so rough."

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